New: Honors Scholar & University Honors Laureate Final Plan of Study
Distribution Requirements: At least three Honors credits in
courses approved by the Honors Program in each type or category.
Check off approved course category, where applicable.
Honors Credit Information
(For students who entered UConn in Fall 2018 or Later and are graduating December 2021 or later.)
Student Admin #: _______________________________
Honors Major: __________________________________
School or College: _______________________________
Month & Year of Graduation: ________________________
Subject Catalog # Credits
Diversity &
Example SOCI 3823 3
r r r
Project Course
(2000-level or above)
Honors Scholar + University Honors Laureate (HS + UHL)
Honors Credits Beyond
Those Used for
Honors Scholar
Honors Scholar
(must be at least 15 Honors credits in the major
or related)
To Honors Advisor: After it has been uploaded to the Quest portal, please review and approve this student’s Honors plan of study on behalf of your
department. By approving this plan of study, you are indicating that with completion of the Honors credits and the Engagement in the Major Field
plan listed on this form, this student will have fulfilled all Honors credit and engagement requirements for your major. In addition to overseeing this
student's completion of the "Engagement in the Major Field", you also agreeing to oversee the Honors thesis/project requirements. (The Honors
Program will audit this student’s record for compliance with all University-wide Honors requirements, including the submission of an approved Honors
thesis, prior to awarding Honors Scholar graduation.)
Completion of Leadership requirement.
Completion of Academics in Action requirement.
Documented in
Total Honors Credits for HS + UHL
(including those used toward Honors Scholar)
(must be at least 30)
Demonstrated engagement in the major field as agreed upon by the
student and their Honors academic advisor.
(see next page of this PDF form)
Submission of approved Honors thesis/project.
Cumulative GPA of at least a 3.4.
Completion of Events requirement.
additional graduation