New Certificate Program Development
New certificate programs follow one of two external approval routes, dependent upon the nature
of the certificate composition.
Those certificates that solely provide special recognition for the completion of particular existing
courses within a graduate program require a Letter to the Secretary of Higher Education and a
Letter to the Chancellor of USM. (In some cases, this may also include the addition of 1-2 new
Those certificates within a program that require the development of new courses or that
combine courses from multiple programs are considered “stand-alone” and follow the program
approval process for New Academic Programs.
Please answer the following questions to assist the Director of Accreditation and Compliance
Services in the facilitation of the approval process for your department’s proposed certificate:
1. What is the title of the certificate? ___________________________________________
2. What is the level (post-baccalaureate, post-master’s, or certificate of advanced study
) of
the certificate? post-baccalaureate
certificate of advanced study
3. Will this be a stand-alone certificate? Yes No
(If “Yes,” then proceed to New Academic Program approval process. If “No,” then please
answer the questions below.)
4. Or will it exist within a graduate program? Yes No
If yes, which program? ____________________________________________________
5. Total # of certificate credits: ____________, Total # of certificate courses: ___________
Definitions: A post-baccalaureate certificate requires at least 12 credits at the graduate or upper
divisional level, the majority of which are at the master’s or specialized postgraduate level. A post-
master’s certificate requires at least 12 credits of graduate study beyond the master’s degree. A
certificate of advanced study requires at least 30 credits of graduate study beyond the master’s degree.
6. What will be the normal time of completion for the program? Please specify whether this
is part-time or full-time. A range of time is not allowed; specify # of weeks and # of terms.
Full-time students will complete the program in _____ weeks and ______ terms.
Full-time is not an option.
Part-time students will complete the program in _____ weeks and _____ terms.
Part-time is not an option.
7. How many new courses will be developed for this certificate?
# of courses: __________ # of corresponding credits: ___________
8. What proportion, if any, of the certificate credits will be from courses outside the
graduate program? ______________________________________________________
9. Will the certificate require new faculty? Yes No
If yes, describe: _________________________________________________________
10. Will the certificate require new resources (technical, library, etc.)? Yes No
If yes, describe: _________________________________________________________
11. What are the enrollment projections?
Year 1: _______________________________________________________________
Year 2: _______________________________________________________________
Year 3: _______________________________________________________________
And do you anticipate the need for additional course sections to accommodate new
enrollment? Yes No
If yes, please elaborate:
12. What other programs in the state will compete with this program?
13. What is the centrality of the proposed certificate program to TU’s mission?
14. What is the evidence of market demand for the proposed certificate (attach state/ federal
labor statistics data)? If the program was developed with the assistance of an advisory
board, potential employers, a public agency, or other entity, please include a summary of
when and with whom discussions were held and please attach supporting
documentation regarding the development or review of the proposed program.
Student demand, workforce demand, and program development:
15. Does this program require programmatic accreditation? Yes No
If so, please list the accrediting body and plans for obtaining accreditation:
16. Does this program lead to professional licensure or certification? Yes No
If yes, the program must fulfill all educational prerequisites for professional licensure or
certification requirements necessary for the student to qualify for taking state licensure or
certification exams. Please attach a description of how the certificate program fulfills all
necessary requirements, if applicable.
17. Please provide the curriculum design as an attachment, including course titles,
descriptions, and number of credits.
Submitted by: ______________________________________________Date:______________
Title: ____________________________________ Department: ________________________
For Accreditation Office Use:
CIP code: __________________
Attach recognized occupation codes and wage data