Individual Information - Annuity Purchases
Schedule A
(Form MP-100)
Approved OMB 1212-0069
Expires 1/31/2021
This Schedule A is # _______ of __________ (insert total # of Schedules A included in this filing)
Part I — Plan/Insurance Company Information
1 Plan information
a Plan name_________________________________________________________________________________
b Employer identification number/plan number _ _ -_ _ _ _ _ _ _/_ _ _ c 8-digit PBGC Case # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
2 Insurance company information
a Insurance company name______________________________________
c Insurance company contact information
(1) Name ______________________
(2) Telephone _ _ _ -_ _ _ - _ _ _ _
(3) email ____________________
d Insurance company address
(1) Street address ____________________________________________________________________
(2) City _______________________________ (3) State ____
4) Zip _________
Part II — Individuals for whom Annuities were Purchased
Complete items 3-4 for each missing individual for whom an annuity was purchased. If more than two individuals need to be
reported, use additional schedules as needed.
3 Missing distributee information
a Identifying information
(1) Name (last, first, middle) ____________________________________ (2) Date of birth _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(3) Social security number _ _ _-_ _-_ _ _ _
4) Certificate # _______________
b Last-known address
(1) Street address__________________________________________________________________________
(2) City_____________________________ (3) State _____ (4) Zip _________
c Accrued benefit (enter amount and check applicable box) ___________ Monthly benefit □ □ Current value
4 Amended filing code — If this is an amended filing, enter the applicable code to indicate whether
information for this missing distributee has changed or is being reported for the first time
(see instructions).
3 Missing distributee information
a Identifying information
(1) Name (last, first, middle) ___________________________________
(3) Social security number _ _ _-_ _-_ _ _ _
(2) Date of birth _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(4) Certificate
b Last-known address
(1) Street address__________________________________________________________________________
(2) City_____________________________ (3) State _____ (4) Zip _________
c Accrued benefit (enter amount and check applicable box) ___________ □ Monthly benefit □ Current value
4 Amended filing code — If this is an amended filing, enter the applicable code to indicate whether
information for this missing distributee has changed or is being reported for the first time (see instructions).
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