-860w (E) 05/07/2020 (page 3 of 8
Human Resources Administratio
Emergency Intervention Services
Application for Burial Allowance (continued)
C. Decedent Financial History (continued)
Did the decedent receive any assistance from HRA? No Yes
If Yes, Case Number (if known)
Check all that apply: Cash Assistance Medicaid/MA
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program SNAP (food stamps)
Did the decedent receive Social Security Administration Benefits? No Yes
If Yes, check all that apply:
Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
Amount: $
Social Security Disability (SSD)
Amount: $
Social Security Old Age, Survivors, and Disability
Insurance (OASDI)
Amount: $
D. Decedent Estate Informatio
Did the decedent have a will? No Yes
Does the decedent have an estate? No Yes
If Yes, name and contact information of the individual responsible for the will or estate
Is there any court case concerning the decedent? No Yes
If Yes, please provide details: County, Court, File Number, Name and Contact information of
Estate Representative or Attorney involved
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