Physician's Statement 9
Denition of Terms:
Ordinary Disability In an application for Ordinary Disability Retirement, an applicant does not assert that his or her disability is the result of
a job-related incident or injury. For such applications, your response to Question 3 is not necessary. But please note that you may also
respond to Question 3, if your determination is that consideration of causality is appropriate even though the applicant has not applied
for accidental disability retirement.
Accidental Disability In an application for Accidental Disability Retirement, an applicant asserts that his or her disability is the result of a
job-related incident or injury. For such applications, your responses to Questions 1, 2, and 3 are required.
Aggravation of a Pre-Existing Condition You may nd that a previous condition or injury is related to the condition or injury that is the basis
of the disability application. If the acceleration of a pre-existing condition or injury is as a result of an accident or hazard undergone, in
performance of the applicant’s duties, causation would be established. However, if the disability is due to the natural progression of the
pre-existing condition or was not aggravated by the alleged injury sustained or hazard undergone, causation would not be established.
Risk of Re-injury The Contributory Retirement Appeal Board (CRAB) has found, “…even if a member is physically capable of performing all
of the essential duties of his or her position, he or she may be disqualied if a return to work would pose an unreasonable risk to serious
harm to the member or third parties.” Filipek v. Bristol County Retirement Board, CR-03-672 (CRAB 12/23/04). This risk of re-injury has to
reasonably be expected to involve a substantial harm.
Last Date of Service The Contributory Retirement Appeal Board (CRAB) has found, an “employee who has left government service without
established disability may not, after termination of government service, claim accidental disability retirement status on basis of subse-
quently matured disability” You are asked to address whether the member was disabled at the time he or she last performed their job
duties. Vest v. Contributory Retirement Appeals Board, 41 Mass. App. Ct. 191, 194 (1996).
Permanency Standard A disability is permanent if it will continue for an indenite period of time that is likely to never end even though
recovery at some remote, unknown time is possible. If you are unable to determine when the applicant will no longer be disabled, you
must consider the disability to be permanent. However, if the recovery is reasonably certain after a fairly denite time, the disability
cannot be classied as permanent. It is imperative that the physician makes his/her determination based on the actual examination
of the applicant and other available medical tests or medical records that have been provided.
Presumptions Certain conditions are presumed to be job-related if suered by persons holding certain public safety positions. Additional
information about these presumptions is available from the Public Employee Retirement Administration Commission.
The presumptions are:
Heart Presumption (Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 32, Section 94)
A disability or death caused by heart disease or hypertension is presumed to be suered in the line of duty for public safety
positions, including certain re ghters, police ocers, corrections ocers, and public safety employees at the international
airport. The employee must have passed a physical examination on or after their date of hire which failed to reveal evidence of
such a condition. The presumption can be rebutted by competent evidence which shows the disability was not job-related.
Lung Presumption (Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 32, Section 94A)
A disability or death caused by diseases of the lungs or respiratory tract is presumed to be suered in the line of duty as a result of
inhalation of noxious fumes or poisonous gas for certain re ghters or public safety employees at the international airport. The
employee must have passed a physical examination on or after their date of hire which failed to reveal evidence of such a condition.
The presumption can be rebutted by competent evidence which shows the disability was not job-related.
Cancer Presumption (Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 32, Section 94B)
A disability or death caused by certain cancers is presumed to be suered in the line of duty as a result of exposure to heat, radiant,
or a known or suspected carcinogen for certain qualied re ghters or public safety employees. The employee (or retiree) must have
been employed in an eligible position on or after July 5, 1990, must have served in such a position for ve years or more at the time
such condition is or should have discovered, must have regularly responded to res during some portion of his/her service, and must
discover or should have discovered cancer within ve years of the last date of his/her active service. The presumption can be rebut-
ted by a preponderance of the evidence that shows that the disability was caused by non-service-related risk factors or accidents or
hazards undergone.