Form I-485 Edition 03/10/21 Page 12 of 18
Part 8. General Eligibility and Inadmissibility
Grounds (continued)
48.a. Committed, threatened to commit, attempted to commit,
conspired to commit, incited, endorsed, advocated,
planned, or prepared any of the following: hijacking,
sabotage, kidnapping, political assassination, or use of a
weapon or explosive to harm another individual or cause
substantial damage to property?
Have you EVER:
Yes No
Participated in, or been a member of, a group or
organization that did any of the activities described in
Item Number 48.a.?
49. Have you EVER received any type of military,
paramilitary, or weapons training?
Yes No
Recruited members or asked for money or things of value
for a group or organization that did any of the activities
described in Item Number 48.a.?
48.d. Provided money, a thing of value, services or labor, or
any other assistance or support for any of the activities
described in Item Number 48.a.?
50. Do you intend to engage in any of the activities listed in
any part of Item Numbers 48.a. - 49.?
Yes No
48.e. Provided money, a thing of value, services or labor, or
any other assistance or support for an individual, group,
or organization who did any of the activities described in
Item Number 48.a.?
NOTE: If you answered “Yes” to any part of Item Numbers
46.a. - 50., explain what you did, including the dates and
location of the circumstances, or what you intend to do in the
space provided in Part 14. Additional Information.
Committed, threatened to commit, attempted to commit,
conspired to commit, incited, endorsed, advocated,
planned, or prepared any of the following: hijacking,
sabotage, kidnapping, political assassination, or use of a
weapon or explosive to harm another individual or cause
substantial damage to property?
Are you the spouse or child of an individual who EVER:
Provided money, a thing of value, services or labor, or
any other assistance or support for any of the activities
described in Item Number 51.a.?
Provided money, a thing of value, services or labor, or
any other assistance or support to an individual, group, or
organization who did any of the activities described in
Item Number 51.a.?
Received any type of military, paramilitary, or weapons
training from a group or organization that did any of the
activities described in Item Number 51.a.?
NOTE: If you answered “Yes” to any part of Item Number
51., explain the relationship and what occurred, including the
dates and location of the circumstances, in the space provided
in Part 14. Additional Information.
Have you EVER worked, volunteered, or otherwise
served in any prison, jail, prison camp, detention facility,
labor camp, or any other situation that involved detaining
52. Have you EVER assisted or participated in selling,
providing, or transporting weapons to any person who,
to your knowledge, used them against another person?
Yes No
54. Have you EVER been a member of, assisted, or
participated in any group, unit, or organization of any
kind in which you or other persons used any type of
weapon against any person or threatened to do so?
Yes No
Have you EVER served in, been a member of, assisted,
or participated in any military unit, paramilitary unit,
police unit, self-defense unit, vigilante unit, rebel group,
guerilla group, militia, insurgent organization, or any
other armed group?
Have you EVER been a member of, or in any way
affiliated with, the Communist Party or any other
totalitarian party (in the United States or abroad)?
Participated in, or been a member or a representative of a
group or organization that did any of the activities
described in Item Number 51.a.?
Recruited members, or asked for money or things of value,
for a group or organization that did any of the activities
described in Item Number 51.a.?
57. During the period from March 23, 1933 to May 8, 1945,
did you ever order, incite, assist, or otherwise participate
in the persecution of any person because of race, religion,
national origin, or political opinion, in association with
either the Nazi government of Germany or any
organization or government associated or allied with the
Nazi government of Germany?
Yes No