500 W Main Street, Open 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday
PO Box
850500 Yukon, OK 73085 T: 405-350-3910 F: 405-350-8909
customerservice@cityofyukonok.gov www.cityofyukonok.gov
30 DA
Company Name ____________________________________________________________________
Billing Address_______________________________________________________________________
Name of person responsible for meter________________________________________________
Work Phone_______________________________ Cell Phone ______________________________
Name of person who issues payments________________________________________________
Work Phone ______________________________ Cell Phone _______________________________
This meter is for commercial use only and is not intended to be used by or for private
citizens. This meter is to be used by contractors temporarily working within the Yukon
City Limits and is to be connected to a Yukon fire hydrant accessing Yukon water lines.
Location where the meter will be used: ______________________________________________
List the purpose of using the meter:___________________________________________________
The City of Yukon acknowledges receipt of a $1.500.00 deposit received from the customer for
the 30 day rental of a hydrant meter. A new account will be created for the customer and the
$1,500.00 check will be deposited in the City of Yukon’s bank account. When the meter is
checked back in, a reading will be obtained and the customer will be charged for the water
used. The amount due will be deducted from the $1,500.00 deposit. The balance will be
refunded in accordance with department policy. This agreement is for an initial 30 day period
and may be renewed for subsequent 30 day periods, as needed, provided the customer brings
the meter to the Utility Billing customer service counter each month for inspection and monthly
readings. This rental may be revoked for failure to present the meter every month for required
monthly inspection and readings, as well as failure to comply with any other requirements of the
policy. All or a portion of the deposit may be forfeited.
Signature ______________________________________ Date _______________________________________
Brand _____________ Meter Serial # ____________________________ Check Out Reading ___________
Deposit Receipt # ________________ Date Returned_____________ Return Reading ______________