I, (name), of
(address), make oath and say / solemnly and sincerely affirm* as follows:
And I make oath and say/solemnly and sincerely affirm* that the contents of this affidavit/affirmation* are true.
(signature of deponent/affirmant*)
SWORN/AFFIRMED* at in the HKSAR this day of 20 ,
through the interpretation of (name) of
(address and occupation), the said
interpreter having been also first declared/sworn* that he/she* had truly, distinctly, and audibly interpreted the contents
of this document to the deponent/affirmant*, and that he/she* would truly and faithfully interpret the oath/affirmation*
about to be administered to him/her*.
Before me,
Commissioner for Oaths
I, (name), of
(address), solemnly and sincerely declare/swear* that I well understand
the official language in which this document is written and
language and that I have truly, distinctly, and audibly interpreted the contents of this document to the deponent/affirmant*
(name), and that I will truly and faithfully interpret the oath/affirmation*
about to be administered to him/her*.
(signature of interpreter)
DECLARED/SWORN* at in the HKSAR this day of 20 .
Before me,
Commissioner for Oaths
# # Please delete the relevant paragraphs if no interpreter is involved
*Please delete where appropriate
HAD 237 Rev. 1/2019
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