FPPC Form 501 (August/2018)
FPPC Advice: advice@fppc.ca.gov (866/275-3772)
Candidate Intention Statement
Who Files:
A candidate for state or local oce must le this
form for each elecon, including reelecon to the
same oce. Excepon: Candidates for county central
commiee that do not raise or spend $2,000 or more
in a calendar year are not required to le a Form 501.
When to File:
File the Form 501 before you solicit or receive any
contribuons or before you make expenditures from
personal funds on behalf of your candidacy. This form
is considered led the date it is postmarked or hand
Ensure campaign deadlines are met. Go to
www.fppc.ca.gov for most campaign disclosure ling
schedules or check with your local ling ocer.
Where to File:
State Candidates (including Judges):
Secretary of State
Polical Reform Division
1500 11th Street, Room 495
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone (916) 653-6224
Local Candidates:
Generally your county elecon oce or city clerk.
Electronic ling may be required.
Bank Account:
A separate campaign bank account must be
established including for campaigns that are
self-funded by the candidate. A bank account is
not required if a candidate will not receive any
contribuons or make personal expenditures of
less than $2,000 in a calendar year. The ling and
statement of qualicaon fees are not included in
calculang the $2,000.
How to Complete:
All candidates: Complete Parts 1 and 3.
Candidates for elecve state oce: Complete Parts 1,
2, and 3.
Excepon: Candidates for an elecon to the California
Public Employees’ Rerement Board, the State
Teachers’ Rerement Board, judges, and judicial
candidates do not complete Part 2.
Part 1. Candidate Informaon
• Enter your name and street address.
• Enter the tle of the oce sought, agency name,
and district number if any (e.g., City Council
Member, City of Smalltown, Dist. 5).
• Enter your polical party preference if seeking
a parsan oce. For a list of qualied polical
pares, go to: www.sos.ca.gov/elecons/polical-
• Check the appropriate box regarding the oce’s
Part 2. Voluntary Expenditure Ceiling
This secon applies to certain candidates for elecve
state oce, including State Senate and Assembly and
statewide oces.
The voluntary expenditure ceiling applicable to your
oce is set forth in FPPC Regulaon 18545. You must
state whether you accept or reject the expenditure
ceiling. Candidates who accept the voluntary
expenditure limit will be designated in either the state
voter informaon guide (statewide candidates) or the
county voter informaon guide (Senate and Assembly
candidates) and may purchase space for a 250-word
statement there.
You may amend the Form 501 to change your
acceptance or rejecon of the voluntary expenditure
ceiling only under the following circumstances:
• Between the date of ling an inial Form 501 for
an elecon and the deadline for ling nominaon
papers for that elecon, you may amend your
statement of acceptance or rejecon of the
voluntary expenditure ceiling no more than two
mes as long as the limit has not been exceeded.
• If you reject the voluntary expenditure ceiling in
the primary or special elecon but do not exceed
the ceiling during that elecon, you may amend the
Form 501 to accept the expenditure ceiling for the
general or special runo elecon and receive all of
the benets accompanying the acceptance of the
expenditure ceiling. The amended Form 501 must
be led within 14 days following the primary or
special elecon.
Personal Funds Nocaon:
You must disclose, if applicable, the date you
contribute personal funds to your own campaign that
exceed the expenditure ceiling. File an amended Form
501 within 24 hours by guaranteed overnight delivery,
personal delivery, or, if applicable, by electronic means.
Part 3. Vericaon
The vericaon is signed under penalty of perjury.
This form was prepared by the Fair Polical Pracces
Commission (FPPC). For detailed informaon on
campaign reporng requirements and the Informaon
Pracces Act of 1977, see the FPPC Campaign
Disclosure Manual for your type of commiee.