Bay Area Air Quality Management District
375 Beale Street, Suite 600 San Francisco, CA 94105
Facility Information Update
Changes to Ownership, Contact, Closures
Form FIU revised 4/12/16
Facility Information Update Form
Use this form to do any of the actions listed in the table below (check the actions that apply).
Note: Whether you change business name, transfer ownership, or update facility information, the permitted
equipment must continue to be operated at the same location.
Business Name is the name used to conduct business. It may be the name of an individual,
partnership, company, corporation, other entity, or it may be a fictitious name as filed with the county
Update dealer’s
name (for gas
stations only)
Dealer of a gas station is the individual, partnership, limited liability company, corporation, or other
entity that pays the day-to-day costs of running the station. However, they may not be contractually
responsible for maintaining the permit to operate.
Transfer of Ownership is a transfer of all permitted sources (full transfer) or just some of the
permitted sources (partial transfer) at the current location to a new owner.
Owner is the individual, partnership, limited liability company, corporation, or other entity that owns
or controls the permitted equipment and is responsible for the permit to operate. If no fictitious name
is used, the owner can be the same name as the business name above.
Update facility
All correspondence from the BAAQMD (Data Update Forms, Reminder Letters, Renewal
Invoices and copies of renewed Permits to Operate) will be directed to this address.
For gas stations, the term “facility contact information” = the term “billing contact information.”
Note that original Permits to Operate will always be sent to either the facility’s physical address or
the alternative mailing address.
Update alternative
mailing address
(not for gas
Alternative mailing address:
Cannot be used by gas stations
Should only be provided if the mail can not be delivered to the site’s physical address, and
Will be used to mail renewed Permits to Operate if mail can not be received at the physical
location of the facility.
Closing facility means you are ceasing permanently all your operations or dismantling all of your
sources and are requesting cancellation of all your Permits to Operate.
How Do I
Complete This
Step 1) Provide the following information:
Provide current District ID number for the facility
(plant #, site #, or G # as it appears on the Permit to
Operate or invoice) and circle the type of ID you
Plant# / Site # / G# (gas stations):
Provide current business name (as it appears on the
Permit to Operate or invoice).
Provide physical address of your facility or permitted
Provide your name, title, email address, and the date
when you complete this form.
Step 2) Find sections below that are applicable to you and follow the instructions within these sections.
Step 3) Mail this form to: BAAQMD, 375 Beale St., Ste 600, San Francisco, CA 94105, ATTN: Permit Systems Section.
If you need to change/correct your business name as it appears on your permit, perform the action in the table below.
Provide new business name as it should
appear on the Permit to Operate. (Gas
Stations should include name on the sign
or “brand” of the station if applicable.)