This form provided by the Department of Administrative Services
State of Connecticut Human Resources
Employee Request
For Leave of Absence under the Federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
and/or State C. G. S. 5-248a (Family and medical leave from employment)
(To be completed by Employee)
Form #: FMLA-HR1
Revision Date: 3/2013
Please read carefully the information regarding your family/medical leave entitlements under federal (FMLA) and state
(C.G.S. 5-248a) law. Then complete this form (pages 1 – 4) and return it to your agency’s Human Resources Unit. Be sure to attach or
provide promptly any required documentation.
Under federal FMLA, employees are entitled to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave in a 12-month period provided they meet eligibility
and reason for leave requirements. Additionally, permanent state employees have an entitlement of up to 24-weeks of unpaid family
medical leave in a two-year period. You may be eligible for leave under one or the other law, under both or none. Depending upon several
factors, if you are eligible under both and the reason for leave qualifies under both laws, the leave may count simultaneously toward both
Military Family Leave: Federal: Eligible employees who are family members of covered servicemembers (including covered veterans)
will be able to take up to 26 workweeks of unpaid federal FMLA leave in a “single 12-month period” to care for a covered servicemember or
a covered veteran with a covered serious illness or injury incurred or aggravated in the line of duty on covered active duty and/or up to 12
workweeks of unpaid federal FMLA leave because of any qualifying exigency arising out of the fact that employee’s spouse, son, daughter,
or parent is a covered servicemember on covered active duty. State: Eligible employees will be able to take up to 26 weeks of unpaid leave
in a two-year period to care for an immediate family member or next of kin who is a current
member of the US Armed Forces, National
Guard or military reserves and is undergoing medical treatment, recuperation or therapy, an inpatient, or on the temporary disability retired
list for a serious illness or injury. Under both state and federal law, an employee can take caregiver leave only one time per covered
servicemember, per injury.
Note: A leave request based on an employee’s serious health condition or the serious health condition of an employee’s spouse, child
or parent must be accompanied by a verifying medical certification from a licensed physician or other “healthcare provider.”
(Form P-33A—Employee or Form P-33B—Caregiver)
Note: A leave request for “military family leave” must be accompanied by a certification (Form DOL-WH384 – Certification of
Qualifying Exigency; Form DOL-WH385 Certification for Serious Injury or Illness of Current Servicemember; or
Form DOL-WH385-V Certification for Serious Injury or Illness of a Veteran).
Employee Name __________________________________ Employee No. ____________________________
Title ____________________________________________ Supervisor _______________________________
Employee’s Home Phone No.________________________ Supervisor’s Phone No. ____________________
Work Location ___________________________________ Shift _____________Hours _________________
Home Address ___________________________________ City _____________________________________
State ____________________________________________ Zip Code ________________________________
Reason for Request: (Check reason)
_____ birth of your child
_____ adoption of a child by you
_____ placement of a foster child with you (federal only)
_____ a serious health condition/serious illness that makes you unable to perform the essential functions of your job
_____ a serious health condition/serious illness affecting your (check one)
_____ spouse _____ child _____ parent for which you are needed to provide care
_____ to serve as an organ or bone marrow donor (state only)
_____ Military Family Leave – because of a “qualifying exigency” (federal only) arising out of the fact that
your ______ spouse; ________ son or daughter; ________parent is on covered active duty.
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_____ Military Family Leave – because you are the ____ spouse; _____ son or daughter; _____ parent;
_____next of kin of a _____covered servicemember or _____ covered veteran (federal only)
with a “covered serious injury or illness.”
uration of Leave: (from) _________________________________ (to) _______________________
(month/day/year) (month/day/year)
Does your spouse work for the State?_______ (yes) or ______ (no)
If yes, which agency
? ______________________________________________________________.
If yes, will he/she be taking leave for the same purpose?
_______ (yes) _____(no)
Use of Accruals (check as applicable)
(1) Birth of Your Child
(a) Mother Your absence for the “disability” portion of your pregnancy will automatically be charged to any accrued sick
leave. Once you have exhausted your sick leave, you may use personal leave, vacation accruals, comp time or unpaid leave.
Once you have completed the “disability” portion of your pregnancy (i.e., you have been certified as able to perform the
the requirements of your job by your attending physician), you may not
use accrued sick leave. You may, however,
use parental days, personal leave, vacation accruals, and/or comp time depending on your collective bargaining unit
contract for the balance of your leave. This election must be made before you begin your leave. If you do not elect to
substitute parental days, personal leave, vacation accruals or comp time, the leave will be unpaid.
(Answer “yes” or “no”) _____ I elect to use parental days to which I am entitled.
(Answer “yes” or “no”) _____ I elect to use vacation, personal and/or comp time leave accruals.
If “yes”, fill in the amount of time you wish to use.
Parental Days: _____________________________________________________________
Vacation Accruals: _____________________________________________________________
Personal Leave: _____________________________________________________________
Comp Time Leave Accruals: _____________________________________________________________
(b) Father/Spouse
–(check) ____Married ____Unmarried. You may elect to substitute 3 - 5 days of sick family leave and/or
parental days depending on your collective bargaining contract, personal leave ,vacation accruals and/or comp time for
unpaid leave.
(Answer “yes” or “no”) _____ I elect to use parental days to which I am entitled.
(Answer “yes” or “no”) _____ I elect to use sick family days to which I am entitled.
(Answer “yes” or “no”) _____ I elect to use vacation, personal and/or comp time leave accruals.
If “yes,” fill in amount of time you wish to use:
Parental Days: _______________________________________________________________
Sick Family Days: ______________________________________________________________
Vacation Accruals: ______________________________________________________________
Personal Leave: ______________________________________________________________
Comp Time Leave Accruals: ______________________________________________________________
(2) Adoption (both State & Federal) or placement of a foster child with you (federal only)
You may elect to substitute 3 - 5 days of sick leave (parental days) for adoption depending on your collective bargaining
contract, and/or personal leave, vacation accruals, comp time for unpaid leave.
(Answer “yes” or “no”) ______ I elect to use parental days for adoption to which I am entitled.
(Answer “yes” or “no”) ______ I elect to use vacation, personal and/or comp time leave accruals.
If “yes,” fill in amount of time you wish to use.
Parental Days (adoption only): ______________________________________________________________
Vacation Accruals: ______________________________________________________________
Personal Leave: ______________________________________________________________
Comp Time Leave Accruals: ______________________________________________________________
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(3) Employee’s Own “Serious Health Condition”/ “ Serious Illness”
Absences for your own “serious health condition”/ “serious illness,” will be charged to your sick leave. Once your sick leave
accrual has been exhausted, your 24-week state entitlement period will begin and you will have the option to use, personal
leave, vacation accruals and/or comp time balances. This election must be made before you begin your absence period. Personal
leave, vacation and comp time cannot be used to extend the leave entitlement.
(Answer “yes” or “no”) ______ I elect to use vacation, personal and/or comp time leave accruals.
If “yes,” fill in amount of time you wish to use.
Vacation Accruals: ________________________________________________________________
Personal Leave: ________________________________________________________________
Comp Time Leave Accruals: ________________________________________________________________
If requesting “intermittent leave” or “reduced leave schedule”, complete page 4.
(4) “Serious Health Condition”/ “Serious Illness” of Spouse, Child, Parent
If your absence is to provide care for a spouse, child or parent with a “serious health condition”/ “serious illness”, you are
entitled to use 3 to 5 days of sick leave per year for a family emergency, depending on your collective bargaining contract.
After that time, you may elect to use personal leave, vacation accruals, and/or comp time. This election must be made before
you begin your absence and this time cannot be used to extend the leave entitlement.
(Answer “yes” or “no”) ______ I elect to use any remaining days of sick family leave which I am entitled.
(Answer “yes” or “no”) ______ I elect to use vacation, personal and/or comp time leave accruals.
If “yes,” fill in amount of time you wish to use.
Sick Family Days: ______________________________________________________________
Vacation Accruals: ______________________________________________________________
Personal Leave: ______________________________________________________________
Comp Time Leave Accruals: _______________________________________________________
If requesting “intermittent leave” or “reduced leave schedule”, complete page 4.
(5) Serve as an organ or bone marrow donor (state only)
You may elect to substitute personal leave, vacation accruals and/or comp time for unpaid leave. This election must be made
before you begin your absence.
(Answer “yes” or “no) ______ I elect to use vacation, personal and/or comp time leave accruals.
If “yes,” fill in amount of time you wish to use.
Vacation Accruals: ______________________________________________________________
Personal Leave: ______________________________________________________________
Comp Time Leave Accruals: _______________________________________________________
(6) Military Family Leave: “Covered Serious Injury or Illness of a Covered Servicemember or a Covered
Veteran (federal only)
If your absence is to provide care for a _____ covered servicemember or a _____ covered veteran (federal only) with a “covered serious
injury or illness”, who is a member of your immediate family, as defined in your collective bargaining contract or other policies, you are
entitled to use 3-5 days of sick leave per year for a family emergency. After that time, you may elect to use personal leave, vacation
accruals and/or comp time for unpaid leave. This election must be made before you begin your absence.
(Answer “yes” or “no”) ______I elect to use any remaining days of sick leave which I am entitled.
(Answer “yes” or “no”) _____ I elect to use vacation, personal, and/or comp time leave accruals.
If “yes,” fill in the amount of time you wish to use.
Sick Family Days: _____________________________________________________________
Vacation Accruals: _____________________________________________________________
Personal Leave: _____________________________________________________________
Comp Time Leave Accruals: _____________________________________________________
If requesting “intermittent leave” or “reduced leave schedule”, complete page 4.
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(7) Military Family Leave: “Qualifying Exigency(federal only)
If your absence is because of a “qualifying exigency” arising out of the fact that your spouse, son, daughter, or parent is a covered
servicemember on covered active duty, your leave is unpaid.
For use of vacation leave accruals, personal leave or comp time,
you must follow your collective bargaining contract or other policies. If granted per contract or policy, the election must be made
before you begin your absence.
(Answer “yes” or “no”) ________ I elect to use vacation, personal and/or comp time leave accruals.
If “yes,” fill in the amount of time you wish to use.
Vacation Accruals: _____________________________________________________________
Personal Leave: _____________________________________________________________
Comp Time Leave Accruals: ______________________________________________________
If requesting “intermittent leave” or “reduced leave schedule”, complete the information below.
Intermittent*/Reduced Schedule Leave** (federal only):
Under federal FMLA, under certain conditions, leave can be taken intermittently or on a reduced leave schedule for:
A “serious health condition” (child’s, spouse’s, parent’s or employee’s).
Military Family Leave – to care for a covered servicemember or covered veteran
with a “covered serious illness or injury.”
Military Family Leave – because of a “qualifying exigency.”
State family/medical leave law (C.G.S. 5-248a) contains no provision for intermittent or reduced leave. However, General Letter
No. 217-A outlines the procedures under which a full-time employee may return from a medical or maternity leave on a part-time
(Answer “yes” or “no”)
________ I am requesting authorization for “intermittent leave”*, or
(Answer “yes” or “no”)
________ I am requesting authorization for “reduced leave” schedule”.**
If yes, explain
. ___________________________________________________________________________
* “Intermittent leave” is leave taken in separate blocks of time due to a single qualifying reason.
** “Reduced leave schedule” is a leave schedule that reduces an employee’s usual number of working hours per work-week,
or hours per workday. It is a change in the employee’s schedule for a period of time, normally from full-time to part-time.
____________________________________________________ _________________________
(Employee Signature/Agency) (Date)
Return the completed form(s) to your agency human resources department:
Attention: ______________________________________________________
Agency: _______________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________
Norma Rivera
Central Connecticut State University
1615 Stanley Street, Davidson Room 119
New Britain, CT 06050