The Independent State of Papua New Guinea
Application for a Travel Document
(Passport Act of 1982)
Instructions for completing this Application form
Applications should be completed at least 3 weeks before applicant intends leaving Papua New Guinea.
WHERE TO APPLY: Applications for PNG Travel Documents should be lodged with the Immigration and
Citizenship Service Authority, PO Box 1790, Boroko, NCD Port Moresby or with the Collector of Customs at various
FEE: The fee for a passport is K100. This must be paid at your nearest cash office and a receipt thereof must be attached
to your application. Details of fees are at
COLLECTION OF PASSPORT: Your passport will be forwarded by registered post unless you elect to collect it
, or if you designate an agent who must present the original custody reciept for the application.
CHANGE OF NAME: If you have changed your name please provide details of all previous names used.
PREVIOUS TRAVEL DOCUMENTS: You must attach your previous travel document unless it has been lost,
stolen or destroyed. Note: there are additional fees where a previous passport has been lost or stolen.
See Fees above.
EVIDENCE OF CITIZENSHIP: Your application should be accompanied by evidence of your citizenship.
Attachment ‘A’ on page 4 should be completed in this respect. Your birth certificate or citizenship certificate, and in
the case of married women your marriage certificate, should be submitted.
CERTIFICATE REGARDING APPLICANT: The certificate on page 3 in respect of every application must be
completed. The following persons are authorised to furnish this certificate: Lawyers, Medical Practitioners,
Magistrates, Ministers of Religion, Commissioner of Oaths, Commissioned Officers of the Defence Force and
Police Force. The person completing the certificates must have known the applicant for at least three yeas. It is
essential that the person who signed the Certificate Regarding Applicant on page 3 should also endorsed the back of
one photograph as follows: ‘I certify this to be a genuine photograph of (name in full)’, and sign.
CONSENT OF PARENTS: Applicants under 17 years of age must furnish the consent of their parents or legal
guardians on page 2.
PHOTOGRAPHS: With your application you should submit
two recent photographs. These should be head and shoulders
only, taken ‘Full Face’ without had or tinted glasses and with a
light coloured background. All photographs should be within
the dimensions of 35mm x 45mm. It is essential that the
person who signed the Certificate Regarding Applicant on
page 3 should also endorse the back of one photograph as
‘I certify this to be a genuine photograph of (name in full)’,
and sign.
DECLARATION: The Declaration on page 3 must be signed
by the applicant, or in the case of a child unable to sign, by the
lodging parent or legal guardian. Warning: It is a criminal offence
to provide false or misleading information in this application.
The applicant must sign both of the small
signature labels using a ball-point pen. Please
take care to stay within the borders marked.
If the applicant is unable to sign, put a line
through both of the small signature labels.
Form FA 81
1. Type of Travel Document
Standard Passport Official Passport Certificate of Identity
Diplomatic Passport
Emergency Travel Document
2. Applicant’s Name
Family name/Surname Given names
3. Sex
Male Female
4. Has Applicant ever changed his/her name?
Yes No
If Yes, state previous names here
5. Birth Place and Date
Village Town Province Country Date of Birth
/ /
6. Personal Particulars
Colour of hair Colour of eyes Visual Distinguishing marks
7. Marital Status (tick whichever applies)
Married Single If Married, Name of husband/wife:
8. Address and Telephone
Residential : Telephone :
Correspondence : Telephone :
If Applicant is under 17 years of age, please provide consent to the application
9. Consent of Lodging Parent or Legal Guardian
(First name) (Family name)
the father /mother / legal guardian (delete whichever not applicable) hereby
give my consent to the applicant above being issued with a passport.
Signed Date
/ /
Signature of Witness Date
/ /
Consent of Other Parent or legal Guardian
(First name) (Family name)
the father /mother / legal guardian (delete whichever not applicable) hereby
ive my consent to the applicant above being issued with a passport.
Signed Date Signature of Witness Date
/ /
10. Proposed Departure Details
Vessel or Airline Port or Airport Countries proposed to visit Date
/ /
11. Has applicant previously been issued with a Papua New Guinea Travel Document ?
Yes No
Travel Document number Issue Date
/ /
Expiry Date
/ /
Bearer’s name at time of issue
12. This previous Travel Document:
Is attached Has been lost Has been stolen Has been destroyed Has been damaged
Explain circumstances of loss/theft/other
Has the loss been reported to the police?
Yes No If Yes, to which police officer or police station was the report made?
Date of report
/ /
Warning: Persons who, in support of an applicant for a passport, make any false statements either orally or in
writing render themselves liable to a fine of K10,000.00 or imprisonment for six months.
Name Occupation
Address Telephone
hereby declare that I have known personally the applicant
Applicant’s name
for a period of more than 3 years and that the signature and photographs on or accompanying the application are those of
the applicant, to the best of my knowledge and belief the statement made by the applicant in this form are true. On the
same basis, I have endorsed the back of the applicant’s photograph.
No fee has been charged for this certificate.
Signature Date
/ /
declare that the statements made in this application are true and correct in every particular.
Dated this day
Signature or Mark
15. Applicants who cannot read or write English
The above declaration has been read/interpreted and explained by me in
language to the applicant in the presence of
and the applicant appeared to understand and approve of them.
Signature Signature of Witness
Full name Full name
Occupation Occupation
Address Address
Telephone number Date
/ /
Telephone number Date
/ /
Attachment A
Full name and date of birth of mother Place of birth and Citizenship of mother
Full name and date of birth of father Place of birth and Citizenship of father
Full name of mother’s parents Place of birth of mother’s parents
Full name of father’s parents Place of birth of father’s parents
Have you lived all your life in Papua New Guinea?
If No, where?
Are you are citizen of Papua New Guinea?
Yes No
Are you are citizen of foreign country?
Yes No
Supplementary Information