OMB Approval: 1205-0017
Expiration Date: 03/31/2023
Domestic Agricultural In- Season Wage Report
Form ETA-Form ETA-232
U.S. Department of Labor
However, it is permissible to show a range or scale of units of payment when, and only when, the data cannot
be obtained from the original source in any other manner; e.g., when an employer states that a single rate is
paid for varying size containers.
- When shift, daily, weekly or monthly wages are paid, show the approximate number of hours worked in th
time for which the rate is paid.
Column B. Enter on the appropriate lines in Column B the method of payment made to the number of U.S. workers
reported by employers to whom each rate in Column A is applicable.
Column C. Enter on the appropriate lines in Column C the number of U.S. workers reported by employers to whom each
rate in Column A is applicable. Avoid double counting.
Section 4
Calculated Prevailing Wage Rate Finding(s)
Calculate and enter the actual wage rate which has been found to be prevailing among the U.S. workers who were
employed in the crop/agricultural commodity and occupation/activity covered in the survey during the reporting period. If
workers are used interchangeably for more than one activity in a crop/agricultural commodity, there may be more than one
wage finding, i.e., pick, pick-load. Each activity/occupation should be reported on a separate ETA-232. The prevailing
wage rate finding should be a single rate unless an equal number of workers receive two different methods of pay. If this
occurs, the prevailing rate for each method should appear in the wage finding.
The State agency shall make the prevailing wage rate findings based upon the collected wage information and in
conformity with the following:
(a) 40 percent rule. A single rate or schedule which accounts for the wages paid to 40 percent or more of the season
U.S. workers in a single crop activity is the prevailing rate. If there are two such rates or schedules, the one
accounting for the greater number of seasonal U.S. workers becomes the prevailing rate. If two rates or schedules
are being paid to the same number of workers and each rate accounts for at least 40 percent of the workers, then
both rates or schedules are prevailing.
(b) 51 percent rule. If no single rate or schedule accounts for 40 percent or more of the workers and the rates are all
in the same unit of payment (e.g., per lb.), array the rates in descending order and then count the cumulative
number of workers, starting with the lowest in the array, until 51 percent of the workers covered in the survey are
included. The rate reached at this point is the prevailing wage rate. (Rates such as per bushel and per 1 ¼ bushel
box represent different units of payments).
(c) More than one unit of payment. If no single rate is being paid to at least 40 percent of the workers in a single crop
activity and there is more than one unit of payment, such as per 1 bushel and per 1 1/8 bushels, determine the unit
which is applicable to the largest number of workers. Using this unit of payment, determine the prevailing rate in
accordance with (a) or (b) above. If there are different units of payment, each one accounting for an equal num
of workers, make a separate prevailing rate finding for each unit.
) Special procedures and requirements for base rate-bonus combinations:
(1) For wage rates that include bonus rates in the same units as the base rates (e.g., 25 cents per box plus a 5-cent bonus
per box), add the bonus to the base rate, in each case, to determine the gross rate. Array the gross rates including
piece rates within each gross rate in descending order. Each base rate and bonus combination and each piece rate
without bonus will be considered separate rates for purposes of determining the prevailing rate. For wage rates that
bonus rates in units different from the base unit (e.g., $1.10 per hour plus 40 cents per box) treat each such rate
and bonus arrangement as a different unit of payment. After the above steps are taken, the prevailing wage rate findin
should be made as described in paragraphs (a), (b), or (c) above, whichever is applicable to the situation.
(2) Wage offers that include bonus rates in the same units as the base rates must include a base rate component not less
than the base rate component of the prevailing wage. The following example is illustrative:
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Revised (2020)