Form E-800: Application for Service Company Permit (v. 20180810)
SECTION D: Applicant Declaration
1. The service company’s service contract, application, claim forms, brochures, other advertising
material, and other forms have been filed in SERFF. If NO, see AAC R20-6-407(E).
2. The service company has had or has pending suspensions, revocations or other disciplinary
or rehabilitative actions against it in this or any other jurisdiction? If YES, see Section E, Item 5.
SECTION E: Required Enclosures
1. ENCLOSE payment of the $300 fee, made payable to Arizona Department of Insurance
2. A deposit in favor of the State in the amount of $100,000 to be filed with or for the benefit of the Director OR
a mechanical reimbursement (contractual liability) insurance policy issued by an insurer authorized to do
business in the State by ONE of the following methods:
a. Surety bond: Must be issued by an insurer authorized in Arizona to offer surety bonds; may include individual
bonds, schedule or blanket bonds. ENCLOSE Form E-857 and an Attorney-in-Fact.
b. Marketable security: ENCLOSE one Custody Agreement (Form E-003) and one Form E-125.
c. Mechanical reimbursement (contractual liability) insurance policy: ENCLOSE a copy of the policy.
3. ENCLOSE copies of the most recent income statement and balance sheet as of the end of the service
company’s most recent fiscal year, sworn to and certified by the owner, duly elected officers, or a certified public
accountant. AAC R20-6-407(C)(2)
4. How many individuals are responsible for the service company’s affairs? ►
Arizona law and rule (ARS § 20-1095.03(A)(2) and AAC R20-6-407(C)(2)(e)) define “individuals responsible for
the service company’s affairs as including:
All members of the board of directors/trustees, members of the executive committee or any other governing
board of the committee; and,
If applicant is a corporation, all officers and all shareholders that directly or indirectly own 25% or more of the
voting securities of the applicant if a corporation; and,
If applicant is a partnership or association, all partners.
As it relates to individuals responsible for the service company’s affairs:
a. ENCLOSE Form E-800-B listing the names and titles of each individual included in the count in this section
(above) and
b. ENCLOSE NAIC Biographical Affidavit Form 11 for each individual listed on Form E-800-B.
IMPORTANT! The Department will investigate information provided and may deny a permit if the applicant
fails to provide complete and truthful information about itself and the individuals responsible for the service
company’s affairs.
5. OTHER REQUIRED ENCLOSURES based on responses in other parts of this application form:
You responded YES to Section D, Item 2. You must ENCLOSE a signed statement detailing all incidents including
names of all parties involved, dates and locations, the names and localities of any courts and administrative agencies
involved, the disposition of each matter, whether the conviction, plea or finding was for a felony or open-ended charge;
AND, you must ENCLOSE copies of any and all indictments, complaints, plea agreements, orders of conviction, notices
of hearing or trial, sentencing orders, suspension/revocation orders and any other information that relates to each
matter. If copies are not available, you must provide as a part of this application a letter from the clerk of the pertinent
court or the official involved stating the records are not available and the reason.