Form B Last revised June 2020
Form B
Confirmation of Registration-Reinstatement of
Interest Free Status for Alberta Student Loans*
*For definition of Alberta Student Loan, see bottom of page.
Instructions and Information
Complete this form only if you are returning to school a) as a full-time student and are not receiving new Alberta and/or Canada Student Loans,
or b) as a part-time student.
Instructions to Students and Key Dates
1. Complete all areas in Section 1.
2. Take the form to the educational institution you are attending
and have them complete Section 2. Make sure they make a
copy to keep for their records.
KEY DATES: Your educational institution can conrm
registration up to 30 days prior to your Academic Start
Date but cannot conrm registration after the Academic
Year End Date.
3. Make copies of the completed Form B.
• Send one copy to the Alberta Student Aid Service Centre.
Address is in the right column.
KEY DATES: The Alberta Student Aid Service Centre
must receive this form within 30 days after your
educational institution has signed it. Also, this form
cannot be accepted after your Academic Year End Date.
• Send copies to RBC and/or CIBC if you have student
loans at either bank. Addresses are in the right column.
• Keep a copy for your records.
Important Tips
• If you are returning to school full-time and are receiving new
Alberta and/or Canada Student Loans, your previous Alberta
Student Loans at the Alberta Student Aid Service Centre will
automatically be reinstated to interest free status.
• If you are a full-time student and reinstate interest free status
on your Alberta Student Loans using this form, your Canada
Student Loans with the National Student Loans Service Centre
will automatically be reinstated to interest free status. You do not
have to complete another form for your Canada Student Loans.
• If you have Alberta Student Loans at RBC or CIBC they
may automatically be transferred to the Alberta Student Aid
Service Centre for interest free status. If you have an Alberta
Student Loan in collection, it will be put in interest free status
when you return to studies. If you enter bankruptcy while in
repayment, you are not eligible for new loans until the loans
are paid in full. If you enter bankruptcy while in study, you
may receive loans under certain conditions. Contact the
Alberta Student Aid Service Centre for details.
• If you are a part-time student or a medical resident, only
your Alberta Student Loans will be reinstated to interest
free status.
Loans in Default
If your Alberta Student Loan is in default with Crown Debt
Collections, send Form B by:
• Email: SA.CDC@gov.ab.ca
General phone number for inquiries: 780-427-3244
Mailing Addresses
Alberta Student Aid Service Centre
PO Box 4050
Mississauga STN A
Mississauga ON L5A 4M9
Fax: 1-866-236-2332
RBC Student Loans Centre
PO Box 4700 STN D
Etobicoke ON M9A 4X5
Fax: 1-888-348-8283
CIBC Student Loans Centre
PO Box 5055
Burlington ON L7R 4P3
Fax: 1-800-931-2000
For More Information on Your
Alberta Student Loans, Contact:
• Alberta Student Aid Service Centre toll-free at
1-855-606-2096, Monday to Friday, 7:30 a.m.
to 8:30 p.m. your local time, in North America
- Outside North America toll-free at 800 2 529-9242,
plus appropriate country code
- For the hearing impaired, toll-free TTY number
at 1-855-306-2240
• The nancial aid ofce at your education institution
• myloan.studentaid.alberta.ca
Register online to manage your loan while in school or once
you have graduated.
*Definition of Alberta Student Loan
“Alberta Student Loan” collectively means all loans made to
the Student pursuant to any of the Alberta Student Finance
Acts [the Students Finance Act (Alberta), the Student Loan Act
(Alberta) and the Student Financial Assistance Act (Alberta),
and any regulations made under these Acts, each as may
be amended from time to time], including loans made to
the Student by the Minister, loans made to the Student by a
nancing institution and transferred to the Minister, loans made
while the Student was a minor, and also including any grant
overpayments converted to a loan by the Minister under the
Alberta Student Finance Acts.