FORM A [Policy on Minors in Laboratories: FORM A Version 2016-05-09] Page 3 of 5
Animal Use? No
Yes; if yes, answer the following questions:
(a) Will the minor participant be working with live animals?
Yes No
(b) If yes to (a), specify applicable IACUC protocol number(s): _________________________
(c) Will the minor participant need access to the animal facility?
Yes No
(d) Will the minor participant be handling animal products or dead animals?
Yes No
Biological Materials Use? No
Yes; but not a known or potentially hazardous biological material.
(a) If yes, please list or provide a description of the biological materials that the minor participant
will be working with:
Yes; a known or potentially hazardous biological material but used for teaching purposes only.
(This includes work with attenuated strains of microbial pathogens and human-derived
(a) If yes, please list or provide a description of the biological material the minor participant will
be working with:
(b) If human-derived materials human derived materials, please confirm that OSHA required
Bloodborne Pathogen (BBP) training has been completed for each Saint Louis University
employee by providing their names, titles and the training date(s) in the table below.
Name Title
Date Completed
BBP Training
Note: Minor participants will also be required to complete BBP training prior to working
with human derived materials.
Yes; a known or potentially hazardous biological material, or recombinant nucleic acid
biological material, used in research.
(a) If yes, specify applicable IBC protocol number(s): ________________________________
(b) If yes, has an amendment adding the student(s) to each IBC protocol been made?
Yes (a copy is included with this application)
No (approval of this request for approval of research project involving minors in
laboratories will be delayed or denied)