Lakebed E
ncroachment Permit– Supplemental Environmental Questionnaire
The completed Supplemental Environmental Questionnaire is required during the submission of a
Lakebed Encroachment Permit. The Questionnaire is used for all projects that will result in disturbance to
the lakebed, including but not limited to alterations that are within the nearshore or foreshore.
*Fish Spawning Areas / Fish Aquatic
Areas which have been, prior to the issuance of the administrative
encroachment permit, designated as such by the County of Lake or by
State or Federal fish and game authorities, or such other areas
determined by Lakebed Management to contain fish spawning areas
or fish and aquatic habitats of sufficient magnitude, environmental
importance, or uniqueness to warrant denial of an application for
construction, alteration, or use.
Zone lying between the low water mark (0.00 feet Rumsey) and the
high water mark (7.79 feet Rumsey). This zone is also the area of the
Public Trust Easement that is defined in "Lyon v. State of California,
Zone extending lakeward from the low water mark.
Area where construction activities will occur, including; areas required
for equipment access, and 25 foot area around the proposed structure
or repair identified in the Lakebed Encroachment Permit.
Line established by Clear Lake when its level is at zero (0.00) feet on
the Rumsey Gauge.
Area composed of the nearshore, foreshore, and backshore.
Areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or groundwater at a
frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal
circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically
adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Wetlands generally
include swamps, bogs, marshes, and similar areas
*indicates definitions identified in Ch.23-3 of County Code of Ordinances
Complete all sections below. Where indicated, provide additional information in the box. If additional
sheets are required, attach to this questionnaire. Please reference the section and section number on the
additional sheet(s). If a section number is not applicable to the project, check “N/A”.
255 N. Forbes Street
Lakeport, California 95453
Telephone (707) 263-2344
Fax (707) 263-1965
Scott De Leon
Water Resources Director