14. Are any disciplinary actions pending against you? Yes No If yes, enclose a detailed explanation of any
pending actions and all relevant documentation.
15. Have you done any of the following grounds for discipline:
• committed or knowingly cooperated in a fraud or material deception in order to acquire a license? Yes No
• impersonated another person holding a license? Yes No
• allowed another person to use your license? Yes No
• aided or abetted an unlicensed person to represent himself or herself as a licensee? Yes No
If yes to any, enclose a detailed explanation of the violations and all relevant documentation.
16. Do you currently excessively use or abuse drugs or have you done so in the past three years? Yes No If yes,
enclose a detailed explanation and all relevant documentation.
17. Have you engaged in an act which involved consumer fraud or deception, restraint of competition, or price fixing?
Yes No If yes, enclose a detailed explanation and all relevant documentation.
18. Do you have any impairment related to drugs or alcohol or a finding of mental incompetence by a physician that would
limit your ability to act as a professional counselor of mental health or associate counselor of mental health in a
manner consistent with the safety of the public? Yes
No If yes, enclose a detailed explanation and all
relevant documentation.
19. Have you been penalized for any willful violation of the code of ethics adopted by the Board, the NBCC code of ethics
or other similar professional mental health counseling standard? Yes
No If yes, enclose a detailed
explanation and all relevant documentation.
20. Are you presently in violation of any Rule and Regulation set forth by the Delaware Board of Mental Health and
Chemical Dependency Professionals? Yes
No If yes, enclose a detailed explanation of all such violations
and all relevant documentation.
Complete the Criminal History Record Check Authorization form to request State of Delaware and Federal Bureau
of Investigations criminal background checks. Follow the instructions on the authorization form to arrange to be
21. To obtain a license in Delaware, you must certify that you understand that you have a mandatory duty to report, in
writing, within 30 days of becoming aware of information that you reasonably believe indicates that any healthcare
provider including (but not limited to) any practitioner certified and registered to practice medicine in Delaware or
licensed by the Board of Mental Health and Chemical Dependency Professionals
• has engaged, or is engaging, in conduct that would constitute grounds of discipline under their licensing laws, or
• may be unable to practice with reasonable skill and safety to the public by reason of mental illness or mental
incompetence, physical illness (including deterioration through the aging process or loss of motor skill), or
excessive abuse of drugs (including alcohol).
I certify that I have read and understand 24 Del. C. §3018, 24 Del. C. §1730, 24 Del. C. §1731 and 24 Del. C. §1731A
and that I understand my duty to report to the Division of Professional Regulation. Yes No
22. To obtain a Delaware license, you must certify that you understand that you have a mandatory obligation to make an
immediate oral report to the Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families if you know of, or you
suspect, child abuse or neglect under Chapter 9 of Title 16 and to follow up with any requested written reports.
I certify that I have read and understand 16 Del. C. §903
and that I understand my duty to report. Yes No
23. To obtain a Delaware license, you must certify that you understand that you have a mandatory duty to self report
when your license to practice in another jurisdiction has been disciplined, surrendered, suspended or revoked.
I certify that I have read and understand 24 Del. C. §3009 (a)(7)
and that I understand my duty to self report.
Yes No
Continued on next page
Revised 10/2018