Application for Military Branch of Service
License Plates
(except multi-decoration, world war ii and korea license plate)
Form 751-H
Revised 6-2019
Original applications may be submitted to your local tag ofce or
the Oklahoma Tax Commission at the address on the reverse side
of this application. License plates are issued for a period of one (1)
year. Renewal decals may be obtained at your local tag ofce.
Please Check One:
Original or Replacement Fee: $13.00
License Plate and Decal
($8.00 fee plus $5.00 mail fee. Allow 8 weeks.)
Renewal Fee: $9.55
Decal Only
($8.00 fee plus $1.55 mail fee. Allow 8 weeks.)
Applicants for renewal must indicate current
special plate number in the space indicated below.
Original license plate applicants must attach certification showing they are eligible
for the indicated plate (i.e. DD214, Military ID, etc.).
Remittance made payable to the Oklahoma Tax Commission
must accompany the application. Driver license number must
appear on check or money order.
Type of Prenumbered Plate Requested: (Choose only one)
City, State, Zip Code
Daytime Phone Number Email Address (optional)
The boxes below are required to be completed. This information can be found on your current vehicle registration.
I certify that the plate will be displayed on the following vehicle:
Executed under penalties of perjury
Read Reverse Side Carefully
Decal # on Regular License Plate
(Example: 0F00000)
Year and Make
Regular License
Plate Number
Oklahoma Title Number
(Not VIN Number)
Regular Decal
✔ ✔
Code CodeType Type
FVN US Air Force
FR US Air Force - Reserve
FRN US Air Force - Retired
FVM US Air Force - Motorcycle
AR US Army - Reserve
ARN US Army - Retired
AVM US Army - Motorcycle
CVN US Coast Guard
CR US Coast Guard - Reserve
CRN US Coast Guard - Retired
CVM US Coast Guard - Motorcycle
RVN US Marines
RR US Marines - Reserve
RRN US Marines - Retired
RVM US Marines - Motorcycle
MMN Merchant Marine
OR US Navy - Reserve
ORN US Navy - Retired
OVM US Navy - Motorcycle