700-00205 – Verified Petition for Enforcement or Modification of Post-Adoption Contact (08/2015) Page 2 of 2
I am asking the Court to enforce the agreement as follows:
☐ I am the adoptive parent
I seek to: (check one) ☐ modify ☐ terminate the agreement.
I am able to show by clear and convincing evidence* that modification or termination of the agreement is in
the best interests of my child for the following reasons:
*This means that the Judge will need to be convinced that what you are claiming is substantially more likely
than not to be true.
I am asking the court to modify or terminate the agreement as follows:
Complete This Section Before Filing This With the Court:
I mailed a copy of this petition to the other party/parties to the agreement at the following address:
Signature of Petitioner A
Signature of Petitioner B
Signed and sworn to before me:
Date Signature of Notary Public Expiration Date