T876 (November 2020)
Telephone numbers
Email addresses
First applicant
Secondary applicant
We’ll sometimes use this email address and/or phone number(s) to get in touch with you about your application, or tell you
something important about your account. If you’re a broker completing this form on behalf of the applicant, please ensure
they’re made aware of this. If you are an existing customer, we will update the email address and telephone number(s) we
hold for you.
Use of my information
1. The information you have provided will be held by The Mortgage Works and Nationwide. Further details on how your information will be used is
available at tmwdirect.co.uk/privacy
2. We collect and use your information so we can offer and manage your accounts, confirm your ID, prevent fraud, provide services to you, collect and
recover debt and run our business.
3. We share your information as necessary within The Mortgage Works and Nationwide, with our suppliers and with any third parties you’ve asked to act
on your behalf. Information is shared with our insurance partners when applying for a Nationwide insurance product or it is a benefit of your account
(e.g. FlexPlus).
4. If the law requires or allows us to, we’ll also share information as necessary with other organisations. This includes credit reference agencies, fraud
prevention agencies and other government bodies, regulators and law enforcement agencies.
5. When we share your information with credit reference agencies they’ll use this to check your credit rating, along with the other details you’ve given
us. These checks are part of most account application processes – however, they will leave a record on your credit file that other lenders can see. This
might affect your ability to get credit elsewhere for a short while.
6. When we share your information with fraud prevention agencies they will use the data to prevent fraud and money laundering and verify your identity.
If we believe someone poses a fraud or money laundering risk, we may refuse to provide the product they have asked for and we may also stop
providing services they already have. The fraud prevention agencies will keep a record of any fraud or money laundering risk and this could mean that
other organisations may refuse to provide services, financing or employment.
7. When we transfer information to third parties and organisations, whether inside or outside the UK, we’ll make sure we only give them information
that’s necessary and that your data will stay secure.
8. We may, if applicable, give the Intermediary who introduces this mortgage application to you, a copy of any offer we make or the reason for declining
the application, a copy of any valuation we ask to be carried out, details of any complaints you make before completion and any other information we
consider necessary to process your application through to completion.
9. We only use your information if we have a legal basis to do so, for example, if you have given us consent or if we need to use the information to meet
our obligations to you in our terms and conditions. We may also use your information if necessary to comply with the law or to carry out our legitimate
business interests.
10. You have certain rights when it comes to your personal information including the right to access your data. Further details on these rights and who to
contact are available online at tmwdirect.co.uk/privacy
By making this application, I’m confirming that the other applicant, where applicable, has agreed to share a financial relationship with me. Also, that
they’re happy for Nationwide to authorise searches, and for links and / or recordings of their information to be made with credit reference agencies.
4. Third Party Authority
Account holder name(s): ……………………………………………………………………..................…………………………………
Account number(s): …………………………………………………………………………..............……..………………………………
I / we give my / our authority for ………………………………………………………......................…………………………………
to discuss and receive information relating to my / our mortgage account. This does not give the individual authority to
make changes to the mortgage account and authority is only valid for this ROP request.
Authority for business: I / we confirm the following details for the above named person:
Broker/Intermediary FCA Number / Solicitors Law Society number: ……………………………..……………………………
Correspondence address: ........………………………………………………………….................…………………..…………………
Telephone number: ……………………………………………………………………….................…….………………………..………
Fax number: ……………………............………………………………………………….................…….………………………..………
Email address: …………………………………….............................................................................................................…..........
All parties to the mortgage must agree to the above named having authority on the mortgage account as detailed above; please sign below:
Name: …………………………......………......……........ Signature: ……………………........………..…….. Date: …. …. …. ….
Name: ……………………………............…………........ Signature: …………........…………………..…….. Date: …. …. …. ….
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