Ursinus College
E. Main
• Collegeville,
. 19426
The following is intended to help you with terminology and grant design. If you have
any questions, please contact Advancement.
Principal Investigator: The individual primarily responsible for the conduct of the project.
Prime/Subrecipient: Indicate whether you are receiving funds that are flowing through another institution/organization, or
whether Ursinus College is the dire
ct recipient of the funds. If the sponsor is federal, indicate the CFDA number, if provided.
Personnel Costs: Please list out personnel costs, keeping in mind cost of living increases for multi‐year projects
(generally 3‐5%).
Budget: Other Costs: Please explain any significant ‘other’ costs in the budget. Costs that fall under this heading could
be consultants, for‐hire services, participant inducements, honorariums or other project‐related costs that are not
Budget: Indirect Costs: Please check the fact sheet fo r the current federally negotiated facilities and administration rate.
This refers to a certain sum paid by the fundin
g agency to cover general expenses which are difficult to itemize on a
project basis but which provide services necessary to the success of the project. Such costs include the administration of
the program, libraries and physical plan expenses, use of facilities, lights, heat, accounting, etc. If the agency to which
you are applying does not allow full overhead recovery, you must build the cost s in as direct charges (For example, an
administrative allowance and/or space charge) and obtain approval from your college’s administration. F&A agreement
can be found on the UC Canvas course for college researchers.
Financial Conflict of Interest: Please review the policy. ALL key personnel must have current FCOI disclosure forms on file prior
to submission.
Compliance Areas:
Institutional Review Board policies can be found here.
Institutional Animal Care and Abuse Committee assurance contact can be found here.
Institutional Biosafety Committee contact can be found here.
Cost Sharing:
Release Time: Explain how reassigned time from your teaching obligations is critical to completing the project which you
are proposing. Explain how much release time, which semester, what courses/labs will not be taught, and any other
information. Short paragraph will be sufficient. Attach to this form.
Allowable matching/cost‐sharing on sponsored projects: Cost‐sharing is defined as project costs not paid by the
sponsor of a research project. Cost‐sharing can be mandatory or voluntary. The College is responsible for the financial
accounting of all costs attributable to the project, including cost‐sharing. Therefore, all cost‐sharing contained in
proposal budget estimates must be specifically identified, specified and approved by the Principal Investigator,
department chairperson or appropriate Dean and Advancement before the proposal can be submitted. The source of
shared or matching funding and the category of expenditure (i.e. equipment, travel, student stipend, etc.) must be
detailed and confirmed via appropriate signatures and made a part of the proposal file. Please remember that any
quantifiable cost (mandatory or voluntary) offered in a proposal becomes a legally binding and accountable commitment
of the College upon award and all costs must be allowable project costs under federal rules. Ursinus College discourages
cost‐sharing commitments because such commitments obligate the College to financial and administrative requirements
while constricting the use of limited academic resources in other areas needing support. Cost‐sharing requires the
maintenance of detailed records that are subject to audit and cost‐sharing has the potential to affect negotiated Facility
and Administration (indirect costs) rates.