Ursinus College
E. Main
• Collegeville,
. 19426
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Completion of this form indicates official sanction of the outgoing proposal. Please obtain
signatures on the second page and submit signed form to the Advancement Office five
business days prior to the due date.
Submission Deadline: __________________ Submitted by: Institution or Investigator Electronically? Y or N
PROPOSAL DATA (a copy of the proposal must be attached):
Faculty/Principal Investigator:
Project Title: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Department: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Foundation, Agency, Program Name _____________________________________________________________________________________
Is Ursinus College the Prime Recipient of the funds? Y or N If not, who:___________________________________________________
Proposed Start Date of Grant, if awarded: ___________ Proposed End Date of Grant, if awarded: _______________
Proposal: New Renewal Supplement Resubmission If so, Grantee number: ______________________________________________
Please list collaborators and/or subcontractors:
BUDGET (You must provide a detailed draft budget)
PI, Key Personnel, and Chair(s) are responsible for adhering to College policies and procedures; accepting responsibility for excess
expenditures and disallowed costs; ensuring all costs incurred are project related and in accordance with any terms, conditions and time frames,
and ensuring the technical and reporting requirements of the project are satisfied.
Proposal Request: $__________________________
College Match / Cost-Sharing Request: $__________________________
Project Total $__________________________
COST SHARING: (note: any cost sharing must include an account number to charge cost-sharing and the appropriate sign-off below)
College to supply required cost-sharing. The amount is: $ __________________
College to supply voluntary cost-sharing. The amount is: $ _________________
College to supply summer student housing. Students per summer: _____ Number of weeks _____________
College to supply summer faculty stipend(s). The amount per summer: $ __________________________
This proposal includes a request for academic year release time. (Attach justification, see instructions)
FACILITY / EQUIPMENT (where appropriate, attach quotes, plans, and narrative for reference):
Equipment being requested has special installation requirements. Explain: __________________________________________________
Renovations or modifications will be required. Explain: __________________________________________________________________
Construction is a component of this grant.
There will be on-going maintenance costs/service contracts to the college for this equipment. Maintenance costs cannot be direct costs,
so must be borne by the college.
Request for the purchase of special computers, hardware or software. The project budget includes funds for these purchases where
CONFLICT OF INTEREST (Completed Form Must Be Attached (link here)):
There is a potential "significant financial interest" related to this project, detailed in the attached.
There is NO Conflict of Interest. The disclosure policy form is signed and attached.
I would like to be interviewed for publication/press: Y or N
Account Number(s): ____________________________
Account Number(s): ____________________________