Lead agencies may include 15 hardcopies of this document when submitting electronic copies of Environmental Impact
Reports, Negative Declarations, Mitigated Negative Declarations, or Notices of Preparation to the State Clearinghouse
(SCH). The SCH also accepts other summaries, such as EIR Executive Summaries prepared pursuant to CEQA Guidelines
Section 15123. Please include one copy of the Notice of Completion Form (NOC) with your submission and attach the
summary to each electronic copy of the document.
SCH #:
Project Title:
Lead Agency:
Contact Name:
Project Location:
Project Decription (Proposed actions, location, and/or consequences).
Revised September 2011
Summary Form for Electronic Document Submittal
City County
Form F
Identify the project's signicant or potentially signicant effects and briey describe any proposed mitigation measures that
would reduce or avoid that effect.
Phone Number:
Irwindale Materials Recovery Facility and Transfer Station (“MRF/TS”) Project
City of Irwindale
Marilyn Simpson, AICP
(626) 430-2209
2200 Arrow Highway, Irwindale, CA 91706 County of Los Angeles
Print Form
Specific to the 2020 RDEIR:
The 2020 Recirculated DEIR addresses four (4) specific environmental topics as directed by a September 2019 Superior
Court of California Decision and Writ of Mandate, including: 1) Truck Fueling Operations; 2) Greenhouse Gas Emissions;
3) Transportation Energy Use; and 4) Project-Specific Air Emissions Health Risks. The analyses conclude that truck
fueling operations, greenhouse gas emissions and transportation energy will have less-than-significant environmental
effects. The analysis of project-specific air emissions concludes that it is scientifically infeasible to substantively connect
an individual project’s regional air quality impacts from criteria air pollutants to likely health consequences.
Provide a list of the responsible or trustee agencies for the project.
If applicable, describe any of the project’s areas of controversy known to the Lead Agency, including issues raised by
agencies and the public.
The 2020 Recirculated DEIR addresses four (4) specific environmental topics as directed by a September 2019 Superior
Court of California Decision and Writ of Mandate, including: 1) Truck Fueling Operations; 2) Greenhouse Gas Emissions;
3) Transportation Energy Use; and 4) Project-Specific Air Emissions Health Risks.
Responsible agencies: (see also 2020 RDEIR Table 2-1, Responsible Agencies, Approvals, Permits, Agreements)
Los Angeles County Department of Public Works
Los Angeles County Public Health Solid Waste Management Program (acting as the Local Enforcement Agency [LEA]) in
conjunction with the California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle)
Los Angeles County Sanitation District
South Coast Air Quality Management District (East San Gabriel Valley)
California Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Occupational Safety and Health
California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle)
California Environmental Protection Agency, Division of Toxic Substance Control
California Department of Food and Agriculture Division of Measurement Standards
California State Water Resources Control Board, Regional Water Quality Control Board (Los Angeles Region 4)
Southern California Edison
United States Army Corp of Engineers
Los Angeles Department of Water and Power