COM RAD-548 08/18
General Information
To protect the condentiality of tax records, Maryland law
generally prohibits the Comptroller of Maryland from disclosing
information contained in tax returns or other documents led
with it to persons other than the Taxpayer or the Taxpayer’s
representative. For your protection, the Comptroller requires
that you le a power of attorney before it will release tax
information to your representative. The power of attorney will
also allow your representative to act on your behalf to the
extent you indicate. Use Form 548, Power of Attorney and
Declaration of Representative, for this purpose if you choose.
You may use Form 548 Power of Attorney to appoint one
or more individuals to represent you in tax matters before
the Comptroller of Maryland. You may use Form 548 for
any matters affecting any tax or fee administered by the
Comptroller of Maryland, and the power granted is limited to
these tax matters.
We will continue to accept a durable power of attorney
or any other power of attorney form authorized by
Maryland Law.
Filing the Power of Attorney
You must le the original, a photocopy or facsimile transmission
(fax) of the power of attorney with the Comptroller of Maryland,
Revenue Administration Division, P.O. Box 1829, Attn: POA,
Annapolis, Maryland 21404-1829. The power of attorney must
also be led with government-issued photo identication for
the taxpayer, unless representative’s designation is item 1 - 3
(See instruction “Declaration of Representative” for denition
of designation). An acceptable government issued photo
identication includes a passport or drivers license. You do not
need to le another copy of Form 548 with other Comptroller of
Maryland ofcers or counsel who later have the matter under
consideration unless you are specically asked to provide an
additional copy.
Revoking a Power of Attorney
If you previously led a power of attorney and you want to
revoke it, you may use Form 548 to change your representatives
or alter the powers granted to them by ling the form with
the Comptroller of Maryland. The new power of attorney will
revoke the earlier one for the same matters and tax periods
unless you specically state otherwise.
If you want to revoke a previously executed power of attorney
and do not want to name a new representative, you must
write “REVOKE” across the top of the rst page with a current
signature date below this annotation. Then, you must mail
or fax a copy of the power of attorney with the revocation
annotation to the Comptroller of Maryland.
Completing Form 548
Part I- Taxpayer InformationFor individuals Enter your
name, Social Security number and street address or post ofce
box. Do not use your representative’s address or post ofce
box for your own. If a joint return is involved, and you and your
spouse are designating the same representative(s), also enter
your spouse’s name and Social Security number.
For a corporation, partnership or association Enter the
business name, federal employer identication number and
business address. If the power of attorney for a partnership will
be used in a tax matter in which the name and Social Security
number of each partner have not previously been sent to the
Comptroller, list the name and Social Security number on an
attached sheet.
For a duciary Enter the name, title and address of the
trustee or the decedent’s personal representative, and the
name and federal employer identication number of the
trust or identication number of the estate. The identication
number for an estate is the decedent’s Social Security number
and includes the federal employer identication number if the
estate has one.
For other entities Enter the name, address and Social
Security number or federal identication number of the entity.
Part II - Representative(s)
Enter the name(s), address(es) and telephone number(s) of
the individual(s) you appoint. Your representative must be an
individual and may not be an organization, rm or partnership.
Part III - Tax matters
Consider each tax imposed by Maryland for each tax period as
a separate tax matter. Identify the type(s) of tax(es), tax form
and the year(s) or period(s) for which the power is granted.
You may list any number of years or periods and types of
taxes on the same power of attorney. You may list consecutive
multiple years or a series of inclusive periods, including
quarterly periods, by using “through,” “thru,” or a hyphen. For
example, “2008 thru 2010” or “2nd 2009 - 3rd 2010.” For scal
years, enter the ending year and month, using the YYYYMM
format. Do not use a general reference such as “All years,”
“All periods,” or “All taxes.” The Comptroller of Maryland will
consider any power of attorney with a general reference an
invalid document. Representation only applies for the years
or periods listed. If the matter relates to estate tax, enter the
date of the Taxpayer’s death instead of the year or period.
Acts authorized
Your signature on Form 548 authorizes the individual(s) you
designate (your representative or “attorney-in-fact”) generally
to perform any act you can perform. This includes executing
waivers and offers of waivers of restrictions on assessment
or collection of deciencies in taxes, and waivers of notice of
disallowance of a claim for credit or refund. It also includes
executing consents extending the legally allowed period for
assessment or collection of taxes. The authority does not
include the power to substitute another representative (unless
specically added to Form 548) or the power to receive refund
If you do not want your representative to be able to perform
any of these or other specic acts, or if you want to give your
representative the power to delegate authority or substitute
another representative, insert language excluding or adding
these acts in the space provided.
Retention/revocation of prior power(s) of attorney
By ling this power of attorney form, you automatically revoke
all earlier power(s) of attorney on le with the Comptroller
of Maryland for the same tax matters and years or periods
covered by this document. If you do not want to revoke a prior
power of attorney check the appropriate box in the Retention/
Revocation of Prior Power(s) of Attorney section of Form 548.
You must also attach a copy of any Power of Attorney you want
to remain in effect.
Signature of Taxpayer(s)
For individuals If a joint return is being led and both spouses
will be represented by the same individual(s), both must sign
the power of attorney unless one authorizes the other (in
writing) to sign for both. In that case, attach a copy of the
authorization. However, if the spouses are to be represented
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