Form 538-S Instructions
Follow the steps below to determine if you (or your spouse) are eligible to claim the Sales Tax Relief/Credit.
Step 1 Were you a resident of Oklahoma* (dened below) for the entire year?
Yes (go to step 2) No (you do not qualify to le this form)
Step 2 Is your total gross household income* (dened below) $20,000 or less?
Yes (File Form 538-S) No (go to step 3)
Step 3 Is your total gross household income* (dened below) $50,000 or less and at least one of the following applies?
• You can claim an exemption for your dependent.
• You and/or your spouse are 65 years of age or older by 12/31/2019.
• You have a physical disability constituting handicap to employment (provide proof* as dened in the section be-
Yes (File Form 538-S) No (you do not qualify to le this form)
• If the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) of the IRS provides for a later due date, this form may be led by the later due date.
• If the due date falls on a weekend or legal holiday when OTC ofces are closed, this form is due the next business day.
• Extensions do apply to this form. If you have been granted an extension of time in order to le your income tax return (includ-
ing the April 20th due date for electronically led returns), le this form with your income tax return on or before the due date
granted by the extension. Provide a copy of the extension.
• Persons who have received TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) for any month in the year of 2019 will not be
eligible for the sales tax credit or refund. Your monthly TANF benefit included Sales Tax Relief money.
• The Department of Human Services will make sales tax refunds to persons who have continuously received aid to the aged,
blind, disabled or Medicaid payment for nursing home care from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019.
*Definitions for the purpose of this form:
Resident of Oklahoma is dened as a person legally domiciled in this state for the entire tax year.
Household means any house, dwelling or other type of living quarters.
Total gross household income means the total amount of gross income received by ALL persons living in the same household whether
the income was taxable or not for income tax purposes. This includes, but is not limited to, public assistance payments, support money
(example: child support), workers’ compensation, school grants or scholarships, veterans disability compensation, loss-of-time insurance
payments and all of the types of income shown on the front of this form. Income that is exempt must be included in the year received,
for example: nontaxable sources of income on your W-2 (such as a dependent care reimbursement account), military housing assistance,
and the distribution of earnings from a Roth IRA. Note: Do not include income deferred for Federal Income Tax purposes, for example: tax
deductible contributions to a 401K or to a traditional IRA. This income will be included when distributed and taxed on your Federal return.
Proof of disability may be established by certication by an agency of State Government, an insurance company or a physician, or by eli-
gibility to receive disability benets under the Federal Social Security Act. A veteran certied by the Veterans Administration of the Federal
government as having a service-connected disability shall constitute proof.
Filing instructions and due date:
If you are required to le an Oklahoma Income Tax Return, claim the sales tax refund as a credit on your tax return, Form 511, and provide
this signed form. Your return claiming the sales tax credit must be led no later than April 15th. (See note at bottom of page)
If you are not required to le an Oklahoma Income Tax Return, this form must be led no later than June 30. If you have withholding or
made estimated payments and are ling for a refund on Form 511, you must claim the sales tax credit on your return and provide this
signed form. If you are not ling an income tax return, mail this completed and signed form to: Oklahoma Tax Commission, Post Ofce Box
26800, Oklahoma City, OK 73126-0800.
An amended return cannot be led to claim this credit after the due date. The claim must be led on or before the due date, including extensions.
Refund Information for those Not Filing a Form 511:
• If you are not ling a Form 511, and would like to have the amount shown on line 15 deposited directly into your checking or savings
account, complete the “Direct Deposit Option” section. (If you are ling a Form 511, you will complete the Direct Deposit section on
the Form 511). If you do not choose direct deposit, you will receive a debit card.
• WARNING! The Oklahoma Tax Commission will not allow direct deposits to or through foreign nancial institutions. If you use a foreign
nancial institution, your refund will be mailed to the address shown on your return.
• A person convicted of a felony and who is an inmate in the custody of the Department of Corrections for any portion of the year is not
eligible to le a claim for the sales tax relief.
• Individuals living in Oklahoma under a visa do not qualify for the sales tax relief.
• If a taxpayer or spouse died during the tax year, he/she will not qualify for the sales tax credit. If the death occurred after December
31, 2019, but before this tax form was led, the sales tax credit or refund for the deceased will be issued to their estate. Enter the
date of death in the box next to the taxpayer and/or spouse’s Social Security Number.
To qualify as a dependent for the sales tax credit or refund, your listed dependent must qualify and be claimed as a dependent for Federal
income tax purposes. The name, social security number, age, relationship and yearly income (if any) must be entered for all dependents.
All of the other sales tax credit or refund requirements listed above must also be met (example: resident of Oklahoma for the entire year).
Do not enter the taxpayer or spouse as a dependent.
2019 Form 538-S - Page 2