Application for
Anniversary Environmental Protection Agency Award
Program Term – January 1 to December 31, 2021
The Environmental Protection Agency, as part of a public awareness campaign to celebrate its first 50
years, has partnered with the Boy Scouts of America to create an award for members of troops, crews
and ships. This new award will recognize youth who research and learn about the subjects of human
health and the environment, as the EPA develops its vision for the next 50 years.
The objective of the EPA award is to combine a variety of disciplines to challenge and educate youth;
introduce them to the breadth of the EPA’s involvement in environmental protection and conservation;
and encourage them to research, investigate, experiment, demonstrate, survey, and study air pollution,
water pollution, solid and hazardous waste, and ocean dumping.
Name of youth: __________________________________________________ Unit No: ___________
Council name: __________________________________________________ Council No. ________
Youth’s email: ___________________________________________________
Youth’s address: _________________________________________________
City: ______________________________________________ State: ___________ ZIP: ________________
BIN 512-098
2021 Printing