Paperwork Reduction Act Statement: This form is covered by the Paperwork Reduction Act. It is used to establish the
respective rights and responsibilities of the respondent and the Federal government. The information is provided by respondents
to obtain or retain a benefit. In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, as amended, the collection has been
reviewed by the Office of Management and Budget and assigned a number and an expiration date. The number and expiration
date are at the top right corner of the form. An agency may not sponsor or conduct, and a person is not required to respond to, a
request for information collection unless it displays a currently valid OMB Control Number. The public reporting burden is
estimated to average 20 minutes per respondent. This includes the time needed to understand the requirements, gather the
information, complete the form, and submit it to the Department. Comments regarding the burden or other aspects of the form
may be directed to the Indian Affairs Information Collection Clearance Officer, Office of Regulatory Affairs – Indian Affairs,
1849 C Street, NW, MS-4141, Washington, DC 20240.
OMB No. 1076-0157
Expires: 3/31/2023
To the Superintendent, ________________________________ Indian Agency
In response to the notice of sale of grazing privileges under permit for a _______ -year period beginning
____________________ and terminating not later than ____________________, on the _____________________
(Date) (Date)
Indian Reservation, bids to be opened at the office of the Superintendent at _____ o'clock _ m on the ___ day of
_________, ______, I / we (strike out) hereby submit the following bid:
Range Unit ID
(Name or Number)
AUMs (# of
Head X # of
* For sheep divide number of head by five to calculate AUMs.
Enclose this bid in a sealed envelope addressed to the Superintendent of the above agency. Do not submit in
duplicate. Clearly indicate "BID FOR GRAZING PRIVILEGES" on the face of the envelope.
A separate bid must be submitted for each range unit desired.
If the bid is made by more than one individual, acting neither as a firm nor as a corporation, each must sign.
If the bid is made by a partnership, the signature must consist of the name of the firm followed by the signature of
each of the members thereof.
If the bid is made by a corporation, the signature must consist of the name of the corporation, followed by the
name of the proper officer or officers as required by the laws of the corporation, accompanied by evidence of
authority of such officer or officers to bind the corporation.