Line 7. Enter the date you want your license to become eective
Line 8. Enter the Bingo Organization’s name.
Line 9. Enter the Bingo Organization’s daytime phone number.
Line 10. Enter the physical location where your organization regularly conducts business which may or may not be the
location of game play.
Line 11. Enter the mailing address for your organization where we can send notices.
Line 12. Check the appropriate box. If the organization is in the process of creating by-laws check “Pending”.
Line 13. Check “Yes” if your organization has been in existence for 18 months or longer. Otherwise, check “No”.
Line 14. Check “Yes” if your organization denies membership to any person for race, color or physical handicap. Otherwise,
check “No”.
Line 15. Check the appropriate box if your organization has ever been issued any type of Charitable Gaming license. If
“Yes”, enter the Federal Employer Identication Number, License Number and name of the business.
Line 16. Check the appropriate box if your organization has ever been denied, revoked or suspended. If “Yes”, enter the
Federal Employer Identication Number, License Number and name of the business. Then, enter the date and the reason
for denial, revocation or suspension.
Line 17. Check the appropriate box if you will be selling instant bingo tickets from a vending machine.
PRESIDING OFFICER INFORMATION: Enter the name, date assumed oce, date of birth, social security number, daytime
phone number, email address, and home address. Check the appropriate box regarding legal violations. If this box is
checked yes, send an explanation of the legal action along with the date in which the legal action occurred.
SECRETARY INFORMATION: Enter the name, date assumed oce, date of birth, social security number, daytime phone
number, email address, and home address. Check the appropriate box regarding legal violations. If this box is checked yes,
send an explanation of the legal action along with the date in which the legal action occurred.
CONTACT PERSON INFORMATION: Enter the full name, daytime phone number and email address.
BINGO PLAY INFORMATION: Enter the physical address where the bingo games will be held. Answer the questions
regarding registration information for collecting sales tax and leasing or rental of premises. Select the type of game(s) to be
held, how often the games will be played along with start times. Attach additional pages if more space is needed.
NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION MEMBER INFORMATION (Volunteers only): List members that will be assisting with
bingo. Check the appropriate box regarding legal violations. If this box is checked yes, send an explanation of the legal
action along with the date in which the legal action occurred. Attach additional pages if more space is needed.
OTHER OFFICER INFORMATION: Other than the Presiding Ocer and Secretary that you have already entered, list all
directors and other principal ocers of your organization, even if they are not directly involved with the conduct of bingo
games. Check the appropriate box regarding legal violations. If this box is checked yes, send an explanation of the legal
action along with the date in which the legal action occurred. Attach additional pages if more space is needed.
EMPLOYEE INFORMATION: List the full name, title, date of birth, social security number, daytime phone number, initial
date of employment, and home address of each employee. Check the appropriate box regarding legal violations. If this
box is checked yes, send an explanation of the legal action along with the date in which the legal action occurred. Attach
additional pages if more space is needed.
SIGNATURE REQUIRED: This must be completed with the knowledge and consent of both the Presiding Ocer and the
Secretary of the organization whether a new or renewal application is being led.
The Department reserves the right to request additional documents.