(a) Maliciously or negligently injuring or harassing a wild horse or burro;
(b) Treating a wild horse or burro inhumanely;
(c) Removing or attempting to remove a wild horse or burro from the
public lands without authorization from the BLM;
(d) Destroying a wild horse or burro without authorization from the BLM,
except as an act of mercy
(e) Selling or attempting to sell a wild horse or burro or its remains;
(f) Branding a wild horse or burro;
(g) Removing or altering a freeze mark on a wild horse or burro;
(h) Violating an order, term, or condition established by the BLM under
this part;
(i) Commercially exploiting a wild horse or burro;
Any person who commits a prohibited act is subject to a fine of not
more than $2,000 or imprisonment for not more than one year, or both,
for each violation.
The following terms apply to all wild horses and burros adopted under the
Private Maintenance and Care Agreement:
(a) Adopters are nancially responsible for providing proper care;
(b) Adopters are responsible, as provided by State law, for any personal
injury, property damage, or death caused by animals in their care, for
pursuing animals that escape or stray, and for costs of recapture;
(c) Adopters must not transfer animals for more than 30 days to another
location or to the care of another individual without the prior approval
of the BLM;
(d) Adopters must make animals available for physical inspection within
7 days of receipt of a written request by the BLM;
(e) Adopters must notify the BLM within 7 days of discovery of an
animal’s death, theft or escape;
(f) Adopters must notify the BLM within 30 days of any change in the
adopter’s address;
(g) Adopters must dispose of remains in accordance with applicable
sanitation laws;
(h) Title will remain with the Federal Government for at least 1 year after
the Private Maintenance and Care Agreement is executed and until a
Certicate of Title is issued by the BLM;
(i) Adoption fees are non-refundable; and
(j) Adopters are entitled to a replacement, if, within 6 months of the
adoption date, the animal dies or is required to be destroyed due to
a condition that existed at the time of adoption and if the adopter
provides a veterinarian statement that certies that reasonable care
would not have corrected the condition. All replacement animals will
be handled as a refund (completed within 2 weeks of notication),
or a voucher for a replacement animal will be cbe applied to more
than one animal; is non-transferable; has to be redeemed at the same
type of event as the original adoption; and does not give the adopter
any kind of preferential treatment. Additionally, the amount of the
voucher has to be redeemed all at once; non-used funds are forfeited;
and bids above the voucher amount are due in full at the time of the
adoption. This policy will only apply to replacement animals, and not
repossessions or reassignments.
A person may receive title to as many as four (4) wild horses or burros per
12 month period provided the following qualications are met:
Title applicants participating in the BLM Adoption Incentive Program are
required to submit one Adoption Incentive Agreement (4710-25), ACH
Form (SF-3881) and title application (4710-18) per adopted animal within
60 days of adoption and title dates to receive incentive payments.
The applicant has had the horses or burros assigned by a Private
Maintenance and Care Agreement for a minimum of 12 months.
BLM employees, spouses or domestic partners of BLM employees, BLM
contractors, and BLM partners are not eligible to participate in the BLM
adoption incentive program.
At the end of the 12 month period, the applicant has submitted written
certication of a qualied individual attesting, to the best of his/her
knowledge, that the adopted animals are receiving proper care.
The Privacy Act and the regulation at 43 CFR 2.48 (d) require that you
be furnished the following information in connection with information
required by this application.
AUTHORITY: 16 U.S.C. 1333 and 31 U.S.C. 7701.
PRINCIPAL PURPOSE: The BLM will use this information to process
your adoption incentive agreement for wild horses or burros. BLM will
use your nancial information, driver’s license and social security numbers
for debt collection purposes under the authority of the Debt Collection
Improvement Act, 31 U.S.C. 7701.
ROUTINE USES: The primary uses of the information are to:
(1) Identify individuals who have applied to obtain custody of a wild
horse or burro through adoption or sale;
(2) Document the rejection, suspension, or granting of the request for
adoption or sale;
(3) Monitor compliance with laws / regulations concerning maintenance
of adopted animals;
(4) Identify contractors / employees / volunteers / service providers
required to perform program functions;
(5) Provide necessary program management information to other agencies
involved in management of wild horses and burros on public lands,
i.e., the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) and the Animal and Plant Health
Inspection Service (APHIS);
(6) Identify and assign level of system access required by BLM, USFS
and APHIS wild horse and burros program personnel; and
(7) Authorize the disclosure of records to individuals involved in
responding to a breach of Federal data.
requested information is necessary to obtain or retain a benet. Failure to
submit all of the requested information or to complete this form may result
in the rejection and/or denial of your application.
The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.) requires us
to inform you that:
The BLM collects this information in accordance with the statutes and
regulations listed above, and for the purposes listed above.
Submission of the requested information is necessary to obtain or
retain a benet. You do not have to respond to this or any other Federal
agencysponsored information collection unless it displays a currently valid
OMB control number.
(Form 4710-25, Page 2)