FPPC Form 470/470 Supplement (Jan/2016)
FPPC Advice: advice@fppc.ca.gov (866/275-3772)
Ofceholder and Candidate Campaign Statement —
Short Form - AND - Form 470 Supplement
Who Uses Form 470:
Form 470 is for use by ofceholders and
candidates who:
• do not have a controlled committee;
• do not anticipate receiving contributions totaling
$2,000 or more during the calendar year; and
• do not anticipate spending $2,000 or more
during the calendar year.
Ofceholders and candidates who have a
controlled committee or who have raised or spent
$2,000, le the Recipient Committee Statement –
Form 460.
The following individuals seeking or holding
ofce are not required to le campaign disclosure
statements (Form 470 or Form 460):
• candidates for county central committee ofces
that do not raise or spend $2,000 or more in a
calendar year;
• ofceholders whose salaries are less than $200
per month and judicial candidates who have
not made or received contributions or made
expenditures during non-election years; and
• judges who do not receive contributions and who
make personal expenditures of less than $1,000
or more in non-election years.
Period Covered:
The period covered is always the calendar year
(January 1 through December 31).
$2,000 Threshold:
To determine if $2,000 has been raised or spent,
or will be raised or spent, the candidate’s personal
funds for the ling fee or statement of qualications
are excluded.
A campaign bank account must be established if
the candidate receives contributions from other
When to File:
Ensure campaign deadlines are met. Go to
www.fppc.ca.gov for campaign disclosure ling
If the Form 470 is led in connection with an
election, or on or before the ling deadline for the
rst campaign statement required for the calendar
year, no additional campaign statements need
to be led for that calendar year as long as total
contributions received remain less than $2,000 and
total expenditures made remain less than $2,000.
In most cases, July 31 is the ling deadline for the
rst campaign statement required to be led by
ofceholders and candidates not being voted upon.
The Form 470 is led in connection with an election
if it is led with the declaration of candidacy, or
as a rst preelection statement in connection with
an election, covering the year of the election. If,
after ling Form 470, receipts or expenditures
reach $2,000 or more, see the attached Form 470
Supplement for important reporting requirements.
Where to File:
State Elections:
State ofceholders, state candidates, candidates
and members of CalPERS and CalSTRS, judges
and judicial candidates must le the original and
one copy with:
Secretary of State
Political Reform Division
1500 11th Street, Room 495
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone (916) 653-6224
Fax (916) 653-5045
Additional Copies:
A copy of the Form 470 must also be led with
the candidate’s county of domicile’s ling ofcer.
CalPERS and CalSTRS board candidates must le
a copy of the Form 470 with the relevant CalPERS
or CalSTRS ofce and not the candidate’s county
of domicile.
Local Elections:
• Elected ofcers and candidates for local multi-
county agencies le an original and one copy
with the elections ofcial for the county with the
largest number of registered voters in the district
and one copy with the candidate’s county of
• Elected county ofceholders and candidates for
county ofces le an original and one copy with
the elections ofcial for that county.
• Elected city ofceholders and candidates for city
ofces le an original and one copy with the city
Note: A local agency may impose additional
Amendments: If you are ling an amendment to a
previously led statement, give a brief explanation
of the amendment. Be sure to enter the calendar
year covered by the statement you are amending
and the date of election, if applicable.
This form was prepared by the Fair Political
Practices Commission (FPPC). For detailed
information on campaign reporting requirements and
the Information Practices Act of 1977, see the FPPC
Campaign Disclosure Manual.