Rev:1/3/2017 3
(FOC form 10d).
(10) Complete this section if you have filed a motion to opt out of friend of the court
services and it is scheduled to be heard on the same date as your final judgment
(11) Insert residential address of PL and DF from Verified Statement
(12) Check the appropriate box. If box #2 is checked you must complete and attach
the Uniform Spousal Support Order (Form FOC10c).
(13) Complete maiden name (If applicable)
(14) (15) (16) Attachments if applicable
(17) PL signature and date.
(18) DF signature and date
Form FOC10a – No Friend of the Court Services
1. Fill in the Case No. in the upper right hand corner of the form.
2. Fill in the complete name of the party who filed the Complaint for Divorce (Plaintiff) and
the complete name of the other party (Defendant), addresses and telephone numbers.
3. Fill in the name, address bar no. and telephone number of the Plaintiff and Defendant’s
attorneys, if applicable.
4. Fill in the Plaintiff’s source of income (employer) including the address and telephone
number. Do the same for the Defendant.
5. Under Item #1enter the following information:
a. Indicate the name of the payer, payee, list the children’s names and dates of birth and
the number of parenting time overnights with the payer of support for each child.
Depending upon the parenting time that will be ordered, the number of overnights may
vary for each child. If you are adopting the standard parenting time schedule, the number
of overnights is set forth in this court’s parenting time guideline included in this packet.
If a party has no overnights, you must use “0”.
b. Enter the effective date of the support order.
c. List the amount of base support, any health care premium adjustment, ordinary
medical, child care, other support or social security benefit credit (if applicable). Refer to
the FOC recommendation. If you are deviating from the friend of the court
recommendation, list the amounts of base support, child care, ordinary medical and other
support for each child that you have agreed upon.
6. Check the box under the support grid if a previous court order for support was entered
and this order is based upon reduced income of the payer.
7. Page 2 – Fill in the case number at the top of the page.
8. Uninsured Health-Care Expenses - Fill in the uninsured health care expense
percentages from the FOC recommendation. If you are deviating from the child support
formula, fill in the percentages that you have agreed upon. The annual ordinary medical
amount is $403 per child as indicated in the friend of the court recommendation.
9. Obligation Ends- Child support will end for each child on the last day of the month the
child turns 18 unless a specific graduation date (month, date, year) is listed under Post-
majority Support. If a child will continue to attend high school beyond age eighteen
and you wish to have support continue while the child is attending school on a full time
basis (up to age nineteen and a half (19 ½), check the box and insert the expected
graduation date for each child you list.