Do NOT Attach to Proposal
Sentence one:
Write your answer here:
How many DCHD eligible clients will
you report for the year?
Choose one Outcome:
Availability/Accessibility- Makes
basics available to eligible persons
Affordability-Makes activity more
affordable for eligible persons
Sustainability - Makes eligible
persons economically viable
Choose one Objective:
Suitable Living Environment
Economic Opportunity
How will you accomplish this? (What
services or activities will you provide
that will cause this Outcome?)
In the same order as above, make these answers into a sentence, adding verbs and articles as needed:
Sentence Two:
Write your answer here:
Specific Indicators:
(How will you measure the success?)
(How will you document that these
indicators have been achieved?)
In the same order as above, make these answers into a few sentences, adding verbs and articles as needed:
Sentence Three:
Write your answer here:
Additional funds: How much non-
DCHD money has been committed by
other sources to this project? This
should reflect all of and only those
funds committed to this project from a
source other than CDBG. It should
include any Emergency Shelter Grant
funds that will be committed to this
project, including those administered
by the City of El Paso.
Section 108 Loan Guarantee:
HOME Investment Partnerships Grant:
Emergency Shelter Grant Funds:
Housing for People with AIDS Funds:
Appalachian Regional Commission:
Other Federal Funds:
State Government Funds
Local Government Funds:
Private Funds:
Total project funds additional to the DCHD funds:
Make this into a sentence, using the words additional funds”.
Combine these three sentences into one paragraph and include in your project narrative. For example: "At least 750
clients will receive access to a suitable living environment through the availability of overnight homeless shelter,
nutritious meals, GED and job training, and parenting classes. 25% of clients will be moved into transitional or supportive
housing, 50% in the GED program will earn GEDs, and 25% will obtain employment. Client questionnaires will track the
progress of clients in all aspects of the program, and client satisfaction questionnaires will be used to help the program
evolve to better serve clients' needs. $358,672 in additional funds will be to support this program."