S. 1st Street, PO Box 664 | Cameron, WI 548222
P: 715.458.5400 | F: 715.458.2112
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Mosaic Telecom $1,000 Scholarship Application
Students Attending 2021 WITC Broadband Academy
To be considered for the one (1) available scholarship, the following criteria must be met:
Candidate must be a high school senior or non-traditional student graduating in 2021
that plans to enroll in the 2021 Broadband Academy at WITC.
Parent(s) or Guardian(s) of the student to preferably reside in Mosaic Telecom’s serving
area and subscribe to one or more Mosaic Telecom service(s).
Scholarship will be awarded to individual who meets eligibility requirements and submits
the winning essay
Entries must be a minimum length of 750 words and may not exceed 1000 words
To be considered, essay entries must be accompanied by completed application and a
senior photo
Entries should be submitted before the application deadline of Friday, March 12
, 2021
via Mail, Email, or In-Person.
Mail: Mosaic Telecom
Attn: Scholarship Committee
P.O. Box 664
Cameron, WI 54822
Email: Marketing.Team@MosaicTelecom.com
In person: Any Mosaic Retail Store (Barron, Rice Lake, Cameron, Chetek)
All decisions made by the Scholarship Approval Committee are final including those on
selection of scholars and procedures.
Questions regarding the scholarship program should be directed to the Marketing Department
at Marketing.Team@MosaicTelecom.com or 715-458-5400.