Contact Details and Postal Address
Manual Refunds, Transport for NSW, Locked Bag 14, Dubbo NSW 2830
Should you require further information contact (02) 6841 4804, Fax (02) 6841 4816,
Request for Refund of NSW Registration
Refunding registration when NSW plates are surrendered in another State
Interstate acquirers of a NSW-registered vehicle who wish to claim a refund on the remaining NSW registration. Note: The NSW registration will be
transferred into your name for a fee as part of this application in order to claim a refund. (please complete sections 1, 2, 4 and 5)
Former NSW residents who move interstate, register the vehicle in the new State and wish to claim a refund on the remaining NSW registration.
(please complete sections 1, 2, 3 and 5)
What type of refund are you applying for? (please check one box only)
Applicant details (Print clearly in BLOCK letters)
Company name (if applicable)
Given names
Company ACN
Postal address (for refund)
Contact phone no. Mobile phone no.
Driver licence no.
Email address
Vehicle details (Print clearly in BLOCK letters)
NSW Plate number
VIN/Chassis no.
Vehicle make Year
Same registered operator and vehicle registered in
another State (Print clearly in BLOCK letters)
NSW Plate number
Where plates are returned
A copy of the current interstate Certificate of
Registration in your name.
Copy of the plate surrender receipt for the NSW plates
from the interstate authority (Not applicable to operators
retaining existing National Heavy Vehicle number
Proof of identity (copy of driver licence or document
indicating the ACN No. if company)
A refund of the unexpired portion of the motor vehicle registration
will not be processed unless all of the following is provided:
New registered operator and vehicle registered in
another State (Print clearly in BLOCK letters)
NSW Plate number
A copy of the current interstate Certificate of Registration in your
name. The Certificate must show the payment of stamp duty to
the new State if the NSW registration was in a different name.
Copy of the plate surrender receipt for the NSW plates from
the interstate authority (Not applicable to operators retaining
existing National Heavy Vehicle number plates)
Proof of identity (copy of driver licence or document indicating
the ACN No. if company)
For interstate acquirers, a copy of your Proof of Registration
Entitlement which shows the seller's details, buyer's details,
vehicle details, the date of acquisition and vehicle's market
value (eg signed registration transfer details on the back of the
NSW Certificate of Registration, or a tax invoice or receipt from
the seller).
Information and claimants declaration
a. Transport for NSW will refund a pro-rata rate of the motor
vehicle tax or road use charge from the date the number plates
are surrendered to the expiry of the NSW registration. The
registration fee is not refundable.
Vehicles registered interstate into the same name will incur a
cancellation fee.
Vehicles registered interstate into a new name will incur a
transfer and cancellation fee.
Transport for NSW does not refund amounts of less than $6.00
but will hold in credit to be used should any future transactions
with Transport for NSW be undertaken.
Cancellation and/or transfer fees will be deducted from the
refund amount
Refund Policy
Please read carefully before you sign.
If you do not tell the truth you can be prosecuted.
I declare that all the information I have provided in this form is correct.
Catalogue No. 45071541 Form No. 1565 (05/2021)
Where plates are returned
If registered in two names the primary (first) registered operator must sign.
/ /
A refund of the unexpired portion of the motor vehicle registration
will not be processed unless all of the following is provided:
Date of birth
day month year
/ /
Email: drivesrefunds@transport.nsw.gov.au
Personal Information Collection Notice
Transport for NSW is committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring
your personal and health information is managed according to law.
Find out why we collect your personal information, including how we
use and manage it, by reading our privacy statement at
www.transport.nsw.gov.au/privacy-statement or phone 13 22 13 to
request a copy.
Current registration, cancellation and transfer fees are available at