COM/FED/RLS-371 08/19
See page 5 for guidelines and instructions.
For the use of: (Check one) Check type of license desired:
An individual Partnership General Limited
Corporation Limited Liability Co.
License Annual Fee
General SCAT License ............................................. $2,000.00
Limited SCAT License - More than 600,000 but less than 1,000,000 total population .. $1,500.00
Limited SCAT License - More than 300,000 but less than 600,000 total population ... $1,000.00
Limited SCAT License - Not more than 300,000 total population ..................$750.00
Do not remit any license fee with your initial application. If your application is approved, you will be advised of the appropriate
license fee based upon provisions of the law.
New License Renewal (Permit #______________ )
NOTE: For renewal applications, you will need to submit full license fee with your renewal application.
If applying for a Limited License, list the three contiguous political subdivisions of the state in which you plan to operate:
Application is made by the undersigned under the provisions of the Annotated Code of Maryland, Alcoholic Beverages Article, for the
type of license checked above, and the applicant(s) submit and certify to the following information required by law:
1. Applicants * (1) (2)
Cell Phone
Date of Birth
Place of Birth
Social Security Number **
Qualifying Maryland
Resident? ***
Yes No Yes No Yes No
MD Resident Since (Date)
* The law requires three ocers to apply as license applicants, unless less than three exist. (In the latter case, submit
supporting documentation.)
** The disclosure of applicant’s Social Security Number is mandatory and will be used for background investigations, including
a criminal history records checks, pursuant to the Annotated Code of Maryland, Alcoholic Beverages Article.
*** At least one applicant must be a voter and taxpayer in Maryland presently and for the two immediately preceding years. In
case of partnership, all individuals must meet this requirement.
2. Company name and trade name __________________________________________________________________________
Check Number __________
Amount $ _____________
Deposit Date____________
Approved ______________
Date _________________
License # ______________
Stub # ________________
Date Issued ____________
COM/FED/RLS-371 08/19
3. Location of desired licensed premises/principal oce __________________________________________________________
4. Description of premises to be covered under license applied for (lot, type, size, and construction of building) _____________
5. Phone ______________________ Fax ______________________ E-mail _______________________ ___________________________
6. a. Date business began ________________________________________________________________________________
b. Type of accounting period (calendar yr, scal yr, etc.) ___________________________ Month FY begins _____________
c. If corporation or limited liability company, date chartered ________________________ State ______________________
d. Federal Employer Identication Number __________________________________________________________________
e. MD Central Registration Number ________________________________________________________________________
7. Name and address of the owner of premises __________________________________________________________________
8. The applicants are presently the holders of the following alcoholic beverages licenses or permits issued by the state of
Maryland, any other state or jurisdiction, or the United States government (if more space is needed, attach additional sheet).
Issuing Authority Type Expiration Date Number
9. The applicants have previously held the following alcoholic beverage licenses or permits: _____________________________
10. The applicants have applications pe nding for the following alcoholic beverage licenses or permits: ______________________
11. Please answer each of the following questions applicable to all individual applicants: (attach explanation if “Yes” to (*)
*A. Has any applicant ever been convicted of a felony by any state or federal court? .................... Yes No
*B. Has any applicant ever been convicted of a violation of the laws of the United States, Maryland, or any other
state concerning alcoholic beverages, gaming, or gambling? ................................... Yes No
*C. Has any applicant ever been denied or had revoked an alcoholic beverage license or permit? ............ Yes No
D. Do the applicants agree to conform to all the laws, rules and regulations of the state of Maryland relating to
the business in which they propose to engage under this license? ............................... Yes No
E. Do the applicants authorize the comptroller and his duly authorized personnel to search without warrant
any premise or vehicle used in the business to be conducted under this license at any and all hours
agreeable to the state of Maryland? .................................................... Yes No
F. Do the applicants meet all state and local requirements and hold all requisite licenses relating to the
catering business conducted? ......................................................... Yes No
G. Do the applicants hold the requisite health department permit or certication to engage in catering
activities in the jurisdiction where their principal oce is located? (If yes, attach a copy of license or
certication. If no, attach documentation from the appropriate authority indicating no permit or
certication is required.) .......................................................... Yes No
H. Do the applicants hold a retail alcoholic beverage license solely for the privilege of catering alcoholic
beverages or do they pay an additional local fee for the privilege of catering alcoholic beverages? (If yes,
attach documentation) ........................................................... Yes No
I. Do the applicants agree to have an employee who has completed a certied alcohol awareness program
present at all times during catered events under this license? .................................. Yes No
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This Section Must be Completed by the Owner of the Premises
14. Statement of owner of premises required in connection with the Annotated Code of Maryland, Alcoholic Beverages Article. (I/
we) hereby certify, that (I am/we are) the owner(s) of property known as ________________________________________
named in the afore going application made to the State Comptroller under the Alcoholic Beverages Law of Maryland; that
(I / we) assent to the granting of the license applied for, and that (I/we) hereby authorize the State Comptroller, his duly
authorized deputies, inspectors and clerks, the Board of License Commissioners of the jurisdiction in which the place of
business is located, its duly authorized agents and employees, and any peace ocer of such jurisdiction to inspect and search,
without warrant, the premises upon which the business is to be conducted, and any and all parts of building in which said
business is to be conducted, at any and all hours.
12. The Annotated Code of Maryland, Alcoholic Beverages Article, Section 1-404 titled “Compliance with Workers’ Compensation
Act” requires the evidence of such compliance prior to the issuance of any license by this oce. The applicant hereby arms
(complete one):
a. the applicant is not an employer required to provide coverage by the Maryland Workers’ Compensation Law; or
b. the applicant is an employer required to provide employee coverage by the Maryland Workers’ Compensation Law
and has secured such coverage as evidenced by the certicate of compliance attached herewith; or
c. the applicant is an employer required to provide employee coverage by the Maryland Workers’ Compensation Law
and has secured such coverage. As evidence of such coverage, the following is submitted:
1. Name of Insurance Co. ____________________________________________________________
2. Policy or Binder No. ______________________________________________________________
13. All applicants must complete this section
Also, by signing this application, I do solemnly declare and arm under the penalties of perjury that the contents of the
foregoing document are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief.
Print name(s) and address(es) of ocer(s): (Note: All ocers must be listed - attach separate sheet if necessary.)
Page 3
____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________
Name Title
__________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________ ________ ____________________
Number and Street City State Zip Code
____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________
Name Title
__________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________ ________ ____________________
Number and Street City State Zip Code
____________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Name Title
__________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________ ________ ____________________
Number and Street City State Zip Code
____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________
Name Title
__________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________ ________ ____________________
Number and Street City State Zip Code
__________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________
Signature of president or vice-president Signature of applicant
Signature of applicant
Signature of applicant
Note: If president or vice-president is one of
the applicants, he/she must sign both as
president/vice-president and as applicant.
(Corporation Seal)
COM/FED/RLS-371 08/19
I do solemnly declare and arm under the penalties of perjury that the contents of the foregoing document are true and
correct to the best of my knowledge, information and belief.
Signature Type or print name
Company Name and Title Date
Third Party Checks
I do solemnly declare and arm under the penalties of perjury that the contents below are true and correct to the best of my
knowledge, and that I am authorized and empowered to issue a check and make payment for the license/permit fee on behalf of
the applicant.
Name of Corporation; Partners of Partnership; or Individual (include Trade Name)
Complete Mailing Address
Signature of Owner, Partner or Corporate Ocer Title
Federal Identication Number and/or Social Security Number Date
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COM/FED/RLS-371 08/19
A SCAT license may be issued to a person who: (1) is engaged
in the business of catering; (2) meets all State and local
licensing requirements; (3) holds any catering license that
may be required by a local political subdivision; and (4) holds
an existing permanent retail alcoholic beverages license other
than a Class C license or does not hold an alcoholic beverages
license but has a permanent oce and storage facility for
alcoholic beverages in the State. A SCAT licensee may acquire
alcoholic beverages through a licensed wholesaler, if the
licensee also holds a retail license, or through a retail dealer
in the State.
A SCAT licensee may serve alcoholic beverages at a catered
event throughout the State to persons of legal drinking age on
unlicensed premises or on temporarily licensed premises. A
licensee may store unused alcoholic beverages at the principal
place of business for use at future catered events.
A licensed retailer who operates solely in a political subdivision
under the authority of the local Board of License Commissioners
need not acquire a SCAT license. Local boards are authorized
to monitor SCAT licensees and report violations of alcoholic
beverages law to the Comptroller’s Oce.
A SCAT licensee is required to supply service personnel, and
ensure that the personnel are present at all times during the
catered event. The personnel must be present for deliveries
of alcoholic beverages, and at least one individual must be
certied by an alcohol awareness program that is licensed by
the State Comptroller. All unused alcoholic beverages must be
returned at the end of a catered event to the principal place
of business. The sale of food must represent at least 70% of
the total cost of the event. A SCAT licensee may not serve
alcoholic beverages at its oce, or at any event for which the
holder is a sponsor, except when operating under a permanent
on-premises retail alcoholic beverages license.
A SCAT licensee may sell and serve alcoholic beverages only
during the hours and days that the holder of a Class B license
may operate in the jurisdiction where the catered event is
conducted. A person or establishment may have only one
SCAT license.
The SCAT license may be issued as a general or limited license.
A general SCAT license authorizes the holder to operate in any
political subdivision of the state and a limited SCAT license
authorizes the holder to operate in not more than three
contiguous designated political subdivisions provided that the
total population of the designated political subdivisions does
not exceed 1,000,000.
The annual fee for a general SCAT license is $2,000.00. For a
limited SCAT license, the fee is based upon the most recent
applicable records of the designated political subdivisions as
compiled by the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene as
1. A population of at least 600,000 $1,500.00
2. A population of more than 300,000 but less than 600,000
3. A population of not more than 300,000 $750.00
An applicant for a SCAT license who holds a permanent
retail license and a special catering license, or who pays an
additional fee for the privilege of catering in the applicant’s
political subdivision, shall be entitled to a license fee credit
not to exceed the additional catering fee paid. However, there
must be a minimum license fee payment of $250 for a general
or limited SCAT license.
Comptroller of Maryland
Field Enforcement Division
Regulatory &
Licensing Section
P.O. Box 2999
Annapolis, MD 21404-2999
410-260-7314 or
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