Office of Student Development
2600 Cleveland Ave NW, Canton, Ohio 44709-3897
471.8145 l Fax 330.471.8149 l Toll Free 800.521.1146
Dear Malone University Student,
Residential living is a critical component of the Malone experience and valued as an integral part of a
student’s holistic education. Even students who feel fully connected to the Malone community often report
feeling isolated from the community experience when living off-campus. Students living on campus perform
better academically, and their satisfaction is increased due to having more access to staff, faculty, and
resources. Therefore, Malone University has a residential requirement for their students, and certain
eligibility requirements must be met in order to live off campus. ____ (Please initial after each paragraph.)
ANY Malone student who wishes to live off campus must submit this Application to the Office of Student
Development, with all required signatures. Applications will be granted on a case-by-case basis. Student
conduct is considered as a part of the application process and could lead to denial of your application. ____
Submitting an application DOES NOT guarantee approval. No student should make off-campus
arrangements without formal approval. Students who make off-campus housing arrangements before
receiving approval could be held financially responsible for both on-campus and off-campus costs. ____
Eligibility Requirements for Off-Campus Housing
Age: Students who are age 22 or older by July 1 of the fall semester or by January 1 for the spring
semester are eligible to live off campus.*
emesters and GPA: Students who have lived in Malone campus housing for 6 semesters and have
a 2.5 cumulative GPA or higher will be eligible to live off campus.*
mmuter: Students who live with their parents and commute from their parents’ home within a
50-mile radius of Malone will be eligible to live off campus.*
**Additional documentation: Parent signature required to commute from home.
arriage: Married students are required to find their own housing options and are not eligible to
live in Malone campus housing.*
**Additional documentation: Please provide a copy of marriage license.
esponsibility for Underage Dependent Children: Students who are the primary caregiver for
an underage, dependent child.*
**Additional documentation: Please provide the most recent year’s income tax form listing the
children who were claimed as dependents by the student.
*Documentation: Students who meet any of the above requirements must complete this Off-Campus
Housing Application and submit any change of address to the Office of Student Development. ____
thletes: Student athletes with any amount of athletic scholarship are required to reside in
campus housing. Scholarship athletes who desire to move off campus must meet one of the
above requirements and MUST speak with Financial Aid to have scholarships adjusted. ____