Colorado Division of Labor Standards and Statistics | 633 17th Street | Denver, Colorado 80202-2107
Main: (303) 318-8441 | Toll Free: 1-888-390-7936 | Fax: (303) 318-8400 | Email:
Last updated August 2020
Section III: Description of the alleged unfair labor practices
Before completing Section III, please refer to Sections 24-50-1107 through 24-50-1112
of the Act
for a description of the unfair labor practices the Division has the authority to investigate.
1. STATEMENT OF THE CHARGE – The charging party hereby alleges that the above-named respondent has
engaged in (an) unfair labor practice(s) within the meaning of the Colorado Partnership for Quality Jobs and
Services Act. To the extent that you can, please indicate which Section(s) of the Act you believe were violated to
help the Division understand whether your allegations fall within the Act:
Other ____________ (please specify)
BASIS OF THE CHARGE (Use and attach additional pages if necessary)
Date(s) of alleged unfair labor practice(s):
Name(s) of individual(s) involved:
Location(s) of alleged unfair labor practice(s):
Please describe what happened in a clear and concise statement:
3. RELIEF OR REMEDY SOUGHT BY CHARGING PARTY - State what you ask the Division to order, if it finds that an
unfair labor practice occurred.
I declare under penalty of perjury, C.R.S. § 18-8-501 et seq., that the information I have provided is true and correct.
Charging Party Signature Date
Please email, fax, or mail this
complaint to the address below.