2800 S. Lone Tree Rd,
Flagstaff, AZ 86001-2701
928.226.4127 (Main Reception TTY/TDD)
928.226.4128 (Disability Resources TTY/TDD)
Instructor’s Signature Required
89080 HIS 131 02
reby certify that I prefer to complete the requirement for the above course and receive a “Satisfactory” or “Unsatisfactory” grade,
the standard “Letter” grade. I understand that the instructor is in no way responsible for converting my “S/U” grade to a letter
grade during the semester
or at a later date.
Satis fac tory/Uns atis fac tory Form
This form is used to complete a course with a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) grade.
**NOTE: According to CCC policy 303-05 Grading-Procedure amended for Spring 2020, a grade of Satisfactory (“S”) counts as a successful course
completion with a grade of C or higher, but it does not count toward a student’s GPA. Grades of “S” earned in Spring 2020 only will be allowed to count
toward a degree or certificate requirement and will be accepted in transfer by Arizona universities. However, a grade of “S” will not satisfy a course or
program prerequisite where the requirement is a grade of B or higher. In addition, universities outside of Arizona may not accept a grade of “S” when a
CCC student transfers or applies for a professional or graduate program. Finally, some employers who require a grade of B or higher to reimburse their
employees’ tuition may not accept a grade of “S” for tuition reimbursement.**
1. This form is to be submitted with instructor’s signature for each course you are requesting grade of S/U.
2. Deadline to submit to Admissions, Records & Registration is April 24, 2020, the spring semester withdrawal deadline.
click to sign
click to edit