Office of Academic Affairs
Request for Credit Limit Override
1. Fill out the Student Information section in its entirety.
2. In the space below, please select the reason for your override request and explain why you need the additional credits.
Obtain the signatures of your academic adviser and the Office of Academic Affairs (UG: LC230 Grad: LC212/214).
Student Information
University ID: N Name:
Major: GPA: Expected Graduation Date (Month/Year):
Net ID: ______________
Student Signature: ________________________________________ Date:
Check reason(s) for request: Credit Limit Probation Limit (Undergrad) Final Probation Limit (Undergrad)
Explain reason for request:
Total Proposed Number of Credits
: ___________
1. Major Academic Adviser: ____________________________________ Date:
2. The Office of Undergraduate/Graduate Academics:
For Records and Registration Office Use Only
Request: (check one) granted denied
Posted by: Date:
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