Financial Aid Selective Service Waiver Form
Registration with Selective Service is required for most men who are between the ages of 18-25. In addition, men residing in the U.S. as
noncitizens are required to register. Selective Service does not allow men aged 26 and older to register. If you entered the U.S. after your
birthday, you were born before 1960, or you are a veteran verifiable by a DD214, you are not required to register. However, you may
be required to submit proof to the financial aid office.
According to the U.S. Department of Education rules, students who have not registered for Selective Service are ineligible for financial aid.
In very limited circumstances, the Financial Aid Director has the authority to waive this requirement. Examples of circumstances
warranting a waiver:
A. The student was institutionalized or incarcerated every day from the ages of 18 thru 25 and can show proof through official
agency documents. Note: if a student was released for even one day, the student could have registered.
B. The student was serving on active duty in the armed forces during the ages of 18 thru 26.
There are other unusual circumstances that may also warrant a waiver. To determine if your circumstances meet the guidelines for a
waiver, you must do the following:
1. Obtain a Selective Service Status Information Letter from Selective Service by visiting their website at www.sss.gov
a. Click on “Men 26 and Older”.
b. Complete the Request for a Status Information Letter and mail it to the Selective Service. In Approximately 3-6 weeks
you will receive a Status Information Letter in the mail.
2. Provide a type written, signed letter of explanation regarding why you did not register; and include the following:
a. Where you lived between the ages of 18 thru 25.
b. An explanation for your failure to register, specifically why you did not register.
c. Any official agency documentation you can provide to verify your statement, such as: dates of incarceration, DD214,
hospitalization, foster care placement, etc.
3. Complete and sign this form and submit it with your signed letter and additional documentation, including the Selective Service
Information Letter, to the Financial Aid Office.
You will be notified in writing regarding the outcome of your request. Regardless of your Selective Service status, it does not prevent you
from attending Grays Harbor College at your own expense. Other funding programs may be available to you such as:
Grays Harbor College Foundation Scholarships available at http://ghc.edu/stars.html
Professional Technical Degree students (those not intending to transfer to a 4 year college) may be eligible for funding and
resources. To learn more, please click on the following https://apps.ghc.edu/CommonFunding.
Scholarships outside of Grays Harbor College are available through various organizations. Check out www.thewashboard.org
Grays Harbor College’s tuition only Short Term Loan program. For additional information contact the Business Office at
cashier@ghc.edu or (360) 538-4040.
Student Information
Last Name First Name SSN
Current Phone # Current Email SID
I certify that the information provided is true and accurate. I understand that providing false or misleading information could result in fines,
imprisonment, and/or a repayment of all aid received.
Student Signature Date
Financial Aid Office, 1620 Edward P Smith Dr, Aberdeen, WA 98520
www.ghc.edu/finaid (360) 538-4081 Fax: (360) 538-4293 finaid@ghc.edu
Revised: 02/24/2015
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