Secretary of State use only
Rev. 08/2015
3. The name and complete street address of the registered agent:
4. The name and address of at least one governor of the limited liability company:
5. Mailing address for future correspondence (annual report notices):
Title 30, Chapters 21 and 25, Idaho Code
Filing fee: $100 typed, $120 not typed
Printed Name:
Printed Name:
Signature of organizer(s).
Complete and submit the application in duplicate.
1. The name of the limited liability company is:
(Remember to include the words "Limited Liability Company," "Limited Company," or the abbreviations L.L.C., LLC, or LC)
2. The complete street and mailing addresses of the principal ofce is:
(Street Address)
(Mailing Address, if different)
If the document is incorrect, provide contact information where can you be reached for corrections:
Note: Complete and submit the application in duplicate.
Line 1. The name of the limited liability company must contain the words Limited Liability Company, Limited Company
or the abbreviation L.L.C., L.C., or LLC. [30-21-301, Idaho Code] It is advised that you contact the Secretary
of State ofce to check for name availability before ling.
Line 2. Enter the complete street and mailing address of the of the principal ofce. [30-21-102(36), Idaho Code]
(Note: the street address must be in Idaho.)
Line 3. All Limited Liability Companies must have a registered agent in Idaho. A registered agent is the person
designated to receive service of process upon litigation. A registered agent may be an individual who is a
resident of Idaho, or a business entity registered with the Secretary of State's ofce. Assumed Business Name
lings cannot be registered agents. This person or business entity must be located in Idaho at a physical
address. Post Ofce boxes and commercial personal mail boxes are not acceptable.
Line 4. Enter the name and address of at least one (1) governor of the limited liability company; it is not necessary
to identify whether the person is a member or a manager. [30-21-102(19)(E) and (F), Idaho Code]
Governor means, a manager of a manager-managed limited liability company, or a member of a
member-managed limited liability company.
Line 5. Enter the mailing address for future correspondence. Your annual report reminders will be mailed to this
The document must be signed by an organizer or authorized person. Only one signature is required, but space has
been provided for more than one.
Other statements not in the Certicate of Organization may be made in attachments. Please do not attach operating
agreements. They are not led with this ofce. [30-25-201(C), Idaho Code]
Enclose the appropriate fee (make checks payable to Idaho Secretary of State):
The ling fee is $100.00. ($120.00 if not typed)
If expedited service is requested, add $20.00 to the ling fee.
If the fees are to be paid from the ling party’s pre-paid customer account, indicate the customer account
number in the cover letter or transmittal document.
The Secretary of State’s Ofce will delete a business entity ling from our database if payment for the ling is not
completed. [67-910(6), Idaho Code]
Mail or deliver to:
Ofce of the Secretary of State
450 N 4th Street
PO Box 83720
Boise ID 83720-0080
If you have questions or need help, call the Secretary of State’s ofce at (208) 334-2301.
Phone Number
Secretary of State use only
Rev. 08/2015
3. The name and complete street address of the registered agent:
4. The name and address of at least one governor of the limited liability company:
5. Mailing address for future correspondence (annual report notices):
Title 30, Chapters 21 and 25, Idaho Code
Filing fee: $100 typed, $120 not typed
Printed Name:
Printed Name:
Signature of organizer(s).
Complete and submit the application in duplicate.
1. The name of the limited liability company is:
(Remember to include the words "Limited Liability Company," "Limited Company," or the abbreviations L.L.C., LLC, or LC)
2. The complete street and mailing addresses of the principal ofce is:
(Street Address)
(Mailing Address, if different)