Form 249
Litigant's Address for Notification
The address & telephone number(s) you have given in this case cannot be given to any
person without your permission. Do you consent to the release of this information?
Signature Date
7/06 SML
Vermont Court Rules of Civil Procedure state that parties filing documents in stalking and
sexual assault cases must give the court an address and telephone number. The address
and telephone number you give are for the court to contact you about your case. Please
complete the information below:
For the court to contact me about my case, I can be reached at:
Important information: The rule that requires the court to keep your address and telephone
number confidential applies ONLY to stalking and sexual assault cases. If you have other
cases in court, and you want the court to keep your address and telephone number
confidential in those cases, you must file a written request in each. Your request will be
given to the judge. It is up to the judge to decide.
Phone (work):
Phone (home):
Docket Number
Mailing Address:
City, State, Zip:
( )
( )
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