St. Benedict’s Parish
band and a white tie (tie and arm band are supplied by St. Benedict’s). First Communicants will be inducted
into the Confraternity of the Brown Scapular the same day they make their First Holy Communion, a Brown
Scapular will be provided for each child by St. Benedict’s.
Post Communion Class
The Confirmation preparation catechism class (junior level) is appropriate for children who received their
First Holy Communion and are 7 years old by September 30
to enter this two year program. Baltimore
Catechism book Number Two is the primary textbook for the course, and half the book will be covered each
year over the two years. The Post-Communion Class objective is to take the main point of each lesson and
to show how it is illustrated or exemplified in some event of Sacred Scripture. The concrete picture
language of the Bible will serve as a big help to the child in better understanding the main truths presented
in the more abstract language of the question and answers of the official Baltimore Catechism. This
textbook presents the class material in three major parts: (1) basic Catholic doctrine as summarized in the
Apostles Creed, (2) the Ten Commandments of God and the Six Commandments of the Church, and (3)
Sacraments and prayers. Since the class incorporates reading and writing assignments, the children are
expected to have these basic skills. Minimum requirements for advancing to the Pre-Confirmation Class is
age 11 years old and proved mastery of the class curriculum.
Instructor: Mrs. Elaine Franco,; Phone: (757) 424-0315.
Confirmation Class
The Confirmation Class provides a minimum of 2 years preparation teaching the “why” behind the ,content
of the Baltimore Catechism book Number Two. Students must be 10 years old by September 30
to enter
this 2-year program. During the class, in addition to reviewing the material of the Post Communion Class,
the focus will be on the explanation of the Church’s teachings for these topics. Students are expected to
answer a variety of questions based on the material already covered.
At least the last four weeks of each catechism year are devoted for those receiving the Sacrament to the
study of the “Preparation for Confirmation” book, which is based on the Baltimore Catechism and focuses
exclusively on the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Instructor: Fr. Eric Krager, FSSP; mailto:; Phone: (757) 382-0471.
Sacrament Requirements:
a two-year preparation
preferred that student be at least 12 years old to receive this sacrament
qualified sponsor
one day recollection at St. Benedict’s
Post-Confirmation Class
The Post-Confirmation Class is designed to prepare young adults fo
r their college and adult years.
Students must be 14 years old by September 30
to enter this 4-year program. Students will learn how the
Church is not based on the Bible, but how the Bible is based on the Church, and has always been an integral
part of the Catholic Church. They will learn how, “ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ.” – St.
Jerome. They will learn how they are, as St. Paul states, “an epistle of Christ, ministered by us, and written
not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tables of stone, but in the fleshly tables of the
heart.” (2Cor3:3)
Students will learn how to, “Evangelize all the time, and sometimes use words” (St. Francis Assissi).
Students will learn to, “...reverence the Lord Christ in their hearts, and always have an answer ready for
people who ask them for the reason for the hope that is within them. But, to give the defense with courtesy