Building & Development Services
1102 Lohmans Crossing, Lakeway, TX 78734
Phone: (512) 314-7540 Fax: (512) 314-7541
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This checklist is intended to provide a general guideline. Due to the unique circumstances of
different projects, additional information may be required by the City. The following items must
be included in the submittal package in order for plans to be reviewed:
1. A completed application form and applicable fee.
2. Approved easement release forms from all relevant utility providers.
3. A copy of the deed for the property.
The Plat Amendment plan sheets shall be drawn using computer-aided drafting at a legible scale on
18”x24” sheets. Please submit two (2) blue-line copies of the proposed plat and one (1) site plan of the
lots showing existing lot lines and easements, proposed lot lines and easements and any existing
structures on the property.
Plans submitted without a surveyor’s seal will not be accepted for review. Review comments will either
be emailed or faxed to the project surveyor. Review time may take up to four (4) weeks for each
submittal. Do not submit the original mylar for signatures until all comments have been addressed.
At a minimum, the plat amendment sheets shall show the following:
A. The title of the subdivision.
B. The date, north arrow, scale and location map.
C. The new address(es) of the lot(s).
D. The proposed lot boundary lines with bearings and distances, and new lot numbers.
E. The existing lot boundary lines (those that will be amended) depicted in faint dotted lines.
F. The building setback lines on all lot boundaries.
G. The Public Utility Easements (PUE’s) on all lot boundaries.
H. The exact location, name and description of all existing or recorded streets, reservations,
easements or other public rights-of-way within the subdivision, intersecting or contiguous to its
I. The adjacent properties depicted with dashed lines, including the owner, acreage and legal
J. The limits of the 100-year floodplain or a note stating that none exists on this property.
K. Any applicable buffer zones.
L. A note stating that all recorded restrictive covenants and restrictions from the previous
subdivision apply to the amended plat.
M. The owner’s acknowledgment.
N. A notary certification.
O. Certification by a Registered Surveyor.
P. Code Official approval.
Q. The Travis County Commissioners’ Court approval (if in the ETJ).
R. Filing certification.