Building & Development Services
1102 Lohmans Crossing, Lakeway, TX 78734
Phone: (512) 314-7540 Fax: (512) 314-7541
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All the notes may not be applicable for every plat – please use only those that apply. This list
also may not include a note that may be necessary or required for a particular plat. The
surveyor/engineer should add notes pertinent to the subdivision being submitted or as may be
required by the City or another governmental entity having approval authority.
Plat Notes:
1. The building of streets, roads and other public thoroughfares shown on this plat and any
bridges or culverts necessary to be constructed or placed in such streets, roads, or other public
thoroughfares or in connection therewith, shall be the responsibility of the owner and/or
developer of the tract of land covered by this plat in accordance with the plans and
specifications prescribed by the City Council of the City of Lakeway. The City does not assume
any responsibility to build any of the streets, roads or other public thoroughfares shown on this
plat or any bridges or culverts in connection therewith. The erection of traffic-control signs,
such as speed limits, "STOP" and "YIELD" signs, etc. shall remain the responsibility of the
developer. All curb cuts, entrances and exits onto public streets or highways shall first be
approved by the City.
2. All private street rights-of-way are also public utility easements.
3. All governmental authorities, emergency services, utility company personnel, garbage collection
contractors, etc. shall have full access to the subdivision via any private streets shown hereon.
4. Access is denied to Lot (#) from (Road Name)
5. Public sidewalks shall be constructed within the following rights-of-way:
(Street Name) (No./So., etc. side
6. Building setback lines shall be in conformance with City of Lakeway regulations at the time of
building permit application.
7. A license agreement for any monument signage, landscaping, and irrigation within public right-
of-way shall be executed by the developer in party with the City.
8. All development in this subdivision is subject to all covenants, conditions, and restrictions, as
amended from time to time, and recorded by separate instrument in Document No.
__________, of the Travis County Plat (Deed) records.
9. Organized water and wastewater systems serving this subdivision shall be designed in
accordance with (M.U.D.) (W.C.I.D.)
criteria. Plans and specifications for
improvements shall be approved by (M.U.D.) (W.C.I.D.) prior to construction.
10. Conditional upon the final finish floor elevation of individual lots, it is possible that certain lots in
this subdivision could require installation of a private wastewater pump in order to access the
gravity wastewater line. The installation, if required, of a private wastewater pump to service an
individual lot, shall be the responsibility of the lot owner, and not the responsibility of the
Developer, City or wastewater service provider.
11. The owner of any lot receiving drainage from an adjacent property shall install the
improvements necessary to convey the 100-year storm through the subject lot in the drainage
easements designated on this subdivision plat.