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At a minimum, the plan set shall consist of the following:
1. The summary information on the cover sheet must include:
a. The proposed name of the development.
b. The date, north arrow and a location map.
c. The names, signatures, addresses and phone/fax numbers of the owner of record,
engineer and/or surveyor, and primary contact person.
d. The existing and proposed zoning of the development.
e. The total acreage.
f. The total number of lots (distinguish between residential and other uses).
g. The total average residential density (including open space/parkland).
h. The total linear feet of all new streets.
i. The net site area and existing and proposed impervious cover.
j. The proposed utility providers.
k. The benchmark description.
l. An index with sequencing of all sheets.
m. The date of Zoning & Planning Commission consideration, once applicable.
n. The date of City Council approval, once applicable.
2. The subdivision boundary lines, indicated by heavy lines, with dimensions.
3. The delineation of jurisdictional boundaries.
4. The survey ties to adjacent subdivisions and across all street rights-of-way.
5. The lot boundary lines with dimensions, lot numbers, and block letters.
6. Building setback, landscape buffer and public utility easement locations on all lots.
7. Each lot labeled with proposed use or zoning.
8. The acreage of each lot shown on the drawing or provided in a table.
9. If non-residential, a conceptual site plan showing proposed driveways, parking lots, and
building location and size. Existing offsite street and driveway locations should also be
shown to ensure proper offsets.
10. The location of water quality and detention ponds.
11. Proposed water and wastewater layout.
12. Parking table showing the number of spaces required and the number provided.
13. The location of the proposed mailbox kiosks.
14. Right-of-way dedication(s).
15. Use the following chart to list proposed roadways:
16. The proposed street names along with an approval letter from Austin 911 Addressing.
17. The street right-of-way widths and center line radius.
18. The sidewalks and/or golf cart paths depicted in dotted lines in the right-of-way.
19. The adjacent properties depicted with dashed lines, including:
a. The names of contiguous subdivisions including lot layout.
b. The owner, acreage, zoning and legal identification of undivided tracts.