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(palivizumab) Injectable
Medication Precertification Request
Aetna Precertification Notification
Phone: 1-866-752-70
FAX: 1-888-267-3277
For Medicare
Advantage Part B:
Please Use Medicare Request Form
(All fields must be completed and legible for precertification review)
Please indicate:
Start of treatment: Start date / /
Continuation of therapy: Date of last treatment / /
Precertification Requested By: Phone: Fax:
First Name: Last Name: DOB:
Address: City: State: ZIP:
Home Phone: Work Phone: Cell Phone: E-mail:
Current Weight: lbs or kgs Height: inches or cms
Aetna Member ID #:
Group #:
Does patient have other coverage? Yes No
If yes, provide ID#: Carrier Name:
Medicare: Yes No If yes, provide ID #:
caid: Yes No If yes, provide ID #:
First Name: Last Name: (Check One): M.D. D.O. N.P. P.A.
Address: City: State: ZIP:
Phone: Fax:
St Lic #: NPI #: DEA #: UPIN:
Provider E-mail:
Office Contact Name:
Specialty (Check one): Primary Care (Pediatrician) Other:
Place of Administration:
Physician’s Office
Outpatient Infusion Center Phone:
Center Name:
Home Infusion Center Phone:
Agency Name:
Administration code(s) (CPT):
Dispensing Provider/Pharmacy: (Patient selected choice)
Physician’s Offi
ce Retail Pharmacy
Specialty Pharmacy O
Phone: Fax:
Request is for Synagis
: 15mg/kg IM one time per month (every 30 days) Other:
F. DIAGNOSIS INFORMATION - Please indicate primary ICD code and specify any other where applicable.
Primary ICD code: Secondary ICD code: Other ICDCode:
G. CLINICAL INFORMATION - Required clinical information must be completed in its entirety for all precertifica
tion requests.
For ALL requests (clinical documentation must be submitted):
Gestational Age at Birth (weeks) (days)
Is the requested drug being used to prevent serious lower respiratory tract disease caused by RSV? Yes No
Does the patient have a diagnosis of prematurity (defined as gestational age 28 weeks, 6 days)?
Yes No
Is this an off-season request for the requested drug? Yes No
According to the CDC National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System (NREVSS), is the RSV activity 10% (with rapid antigen
testing) or 3% (with real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test) for the requested region within 2 weeks of the intended dose?
Yes No
How many doses of the requested drug has the patient received this RSV season? Yes No
Chronic Lung Disease of Prematurity:
What was the patient’s gestational age? <31 weeks, 6 days >32 weeks, 0 days
What is the patient’s chronological age at the start of RSV season? <12 months of age
Did the patient receive the requested drug during the previous
RSV season?
Yes No
12 to <24 months of age
>24 months of age
Does/Did the child require greater than 21% oxygen for at least the first 28 days after birth
? Yes No
Does the child continue to require medical support during the 6 month period prior to the start of the RSV season? Yes
Please indicate the medical therapy: Oxygen Diuretic Chronic corticosteroid
Other, please explain:
GR-68942 (8-21)
Aetna Precertification Notification
(palivizumab) Injectable
Phone: 1-866-752-7021
FAX: 1-888-267-3277
Medication Precertification Request
Page 2 of 2
For Medicare Advantage Part B:
(All fields must be completed and legible for precertification review)
Please Use Medicare Request Form
Patient First Name Patient Last Name Patient Phone Patient DOB
Congenital Heart Disease:
Does the patient have hemodynamically significant congenital heart disease?
Yes No
What is the patient’s chronological age at the start of RSV season?
<12 months of age
12 to <24 months of age
Is there a possibility that the patient will be undergoing cardiac
transplantation du
ring RSV season?
Yes No
>24 months of age
Congenital Abnormalities of the Airway or Neuromuscular Disorders:
Does the patient’s condition compromise handling of resp
iratory secretions? Yes No
What is the patient’s chronological age at the start of RSV season?
<12 months of age
12 months of age
Cystic Fibrosis:
What is the patient’s chronological age at the start of RSV season?
<12 months of age
Does the child have evidence of chronic lung disease (CLD) or
nutritional compromise?
Yes No
Between 12 and 24 months of age
Does the patient have manifestations of lung disease (e.g.,
hospitalizations fo
r pulmonary exacerbations) or weight for length
less than the 10
Yes No
>24 months of age
Immunocompromised patients:
Is the patient profoundly immunocompromised (e.g., severe combined immunodeficiency [
SCID], stem cell transplant, bone marrow transplant)? Yes No
What is the patient’s chronological age at the start of RSV season?
<24 months of age
>24 months of age
Request Completed By (Signature Required): Date: / /
Any person who knowingly files a request for authorization of coverage of a medical procedure or service with the intent to injure, defraud or deceive
any insurance company by providing materially false information or conceals material information for the purpose of misleading, commits a fraudulent
insurance act, which is a crime and subjects such person to criminal and civil penalties.
The plan may request additional information or clarification, if needed, to evaluate requests.
GR-68942 (8-21)