DD FORM 293, DEC 2019
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Prescribed by: DoDI 1332.28
AUTHORITY: 10 U.S.C. 1553, Review of Discharge or Dismissal; DoD Instruction 1332.28, Discharge Review Board (DRB) Procedures and Standards; and
E.O. 9397 (SSN), as amended.
PRINCIPAL PURPOSE(S): To apply for a change in the characterization or reason for military discharge issued to an individual. The appropriate Military Service
Discharge Review Board reviews submitted packages and makes determinations. Completed forms are covered by the correction of discharge review board and
official military records Systems of Records (SORNs) maintained by each Military Service.
ROUTINE USE(S): The DoD Routine Uses can be found in the applicable system of records notices below:
Army (http://dpcld.defense.gov/Privacy/SORNsIndex/DOD-wide-SORN-Article-View/Article/569931/a0015-185-sfmr.aspx)
Navy and Marine Corps (http://dpcld.defense.gov/Privacy/SORNsIndex/DOD-wide-SORN-Article-View/Article/570411/nm01000-1/)
Air Force (https://dpcld.defense.gov/Privacy/SORNsIndex/DOD-wide-SORN-Article-View/Article/569833/f036-safcb-a/)
Defense Finance and Accounting Service (http://dpcld.defense.gov/Privacy/SORNsIndex/DOD-wide-SORN-Article-View/Article/570192/t7340b/)
Coast Guard (https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2013-10-02/html/2013-23991.htm)
Official Military Personnel Files:
Army (http://dpcld.defense.gov/Privacy/SORNsIndex/DOD-wide-SORN-Article-View/Article/570054/a0600-8-104-ahrc.aspx)
Navy (http://dpcld.defense.gov/Privacy/SORNsIndex/DOD-wide-SORN-Article-View/Article/570310/n01070-3/)
Marine Corps (http://dpcld.defense.gov/Privacy/SORNsIndex/DOD-wide-SORN-Article-View/Article/570626/m01070-6/)
Air Force (http://dpcld.defense.gov/Privacy/SORNsIndex/DOD-Component-Article-View/Article/569821/f036-af-pc-c/)
Coast Guard (http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2011-10-28/html/2011-27881.htm)
DISCLOSURE: Voluntary. However, failure to provide the information not annotated as “optional” may result in a denial of your application. The Service
Member's SSN is used to retrieve these records and links to the member's official military personnel file and pay record.
Information on obtaining military or health records is available at the National Personnel Records Center website at www.nara.gov/regional/mpr.html or your
local Veterans Administration office.
Applicants are strongly encouraged to submit any request for their military records prior to applying for a discharge review rather than after submitting a DD Form
293 to avoid substantial delays in processing of the application and scheduling of review. Applicants and their counsel may also examine their military personnel
records at the site of their scheduled review prior to the review. The Board shall notify applicants of the date of availability of the records for examination in their
standard scheduling information.
DD FORM 293 - PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT INFORMATION FOR ALL APPLICABLE ITEMS. Items on the form are self-explanatory unless otherwise noted
below. If the item is not applicable, enter "NA." If the space provided is insufficient, attach an extra page.
SECTION 1, ITEM 6. MAILING ADDRESS - Indicate the address to be used for all future correspondence regarding the application. If you change this address
while the application is processing, you must notify the Discharge Review Board immediately. Note: Failure to attend a hearing because of an unreported
change in address may result in waiving of your right to a hearing.
SECTION 2, ITEM 8. DATE OF DISCHARGE - If you received more than one discharge, refer to the discharge that you want changed. Discharge Review
Boards cannot consider any discharge resulting from a sentence given by a general court-martial. If the discharge you want reviewed was issued more than 15
years ago, you must submit an application to the appropriate Board for Correction of Military Record using the DD Form 149, Application for Correction of Military
Record under the Provisions of Title 10, U.S. Code, Section 1552.
SECTION 3, ITEM 20. ACTION REQUESTED - If you request a change of narrative reason for separation, you must list the specific reason for discharge that
you believe to be appropriate; otherwise the Board will presume that you do not want a change in reason for discharge. If you do not request a change of
discharge characterization in this item, the Board will presume you want to change discharge to Honorable.
If you were separated on or after 1 October 1982 while in an entry level status with an under other than honorable conditions discharge and less than 180 days
of active service, you can request a change of discharge characterization to "Uncharacterized" and reason to "Entry Level Separation."
ITEM 21. TYPE OF REVIEW REQUESTED - Discharge Review is conducted in one of three ways: 1) records review, 2) Board hearing, or 3) traveling Board.
Location is the defining factor between a Board hearing in the Washington, DC Metro Area, and a traveling board, located throughout the Continental United
States (CONUS).
Records Review: You may have the Board conduct a discharge review based solely on military records and any additional documentation that you provide.
This review is conducted without personal appearance by you and/or your representative/counsel appearing. A personal appearance hearing can be requested,
however, you forfeit your right to a record review.
Board Hearing: You may appear alone or assisted by a representative/counsel before the Board in the Washington, D.C. Metro Area or before a Traveling
Board in selected CONUS locations. Neither the Service nor the DoD is responsible for, nor will it pay for, any costs incurred by the applicant or representative/
counsel for appearance in person, providing testimony, or obtain documentation. Detailed notification and/or scheduling information for all personal
appearances will be provided after the application has been processed. In addition, without appearing yourself, you may have your case presented by a
representative/counsel of your choice. NOTE: The Naval and Coast Guard Discharge Review Boards do not have traveling panels.Applicants participating in a
personal appearance hearing may make sworn or unsworn statements, introduce witnesses, documents, or other information on their behalf.
Applicants may make oral or written arguments personally and/or through representative/ counsel. Applicants and witnesses who present sworn or unsworn
statements may be questioned by the Board.