Your social security number
Your first name and middle initial
Current home address (number and street)
City, state, and ZIP code
Reason for Claim
Check the Box below that applies.
A separate 10a is required if you have multiple W-2 forms, or for each municipality from which a refund is requested.
No refunds will be issued without the proper documentation indicated by reason for claim.
1. Age Exemption. Date of Birth________________ Attach a copy of your W-2 form and proof of birthdate (birth certificate, driver’s
license, etc.). If you were under age for only part of the year, you must either: (1) have your employer sign the completed Employer
Certification on page 2; or (2) attach a copy of your pay stub for the pay period in which your birthday fell. Exceptions to the 18
years of age or older exemption exist. For age exemption qualifications, visit ritaohio.com, select the RITA municipality in which
you worked and review the Special Notes section that relates to the appropriate tax year.
2. Days Worked From Home. Days worked outside of municipality for which the employer withheld tax, and instead you
worked from home (remote). Attach a copy of your W-2 Form, a completed Log of Days Out Worksheet on page 3, and a
completed Calculation for Days Worked Out of RITA on page 3. Your employer must sign the Employer Certification on page 2. If
any of the days worked from home were in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, please check the box at the top right of this page.
3. Other Days Worked Outside of municipality for which the employer withheld tax (other than days worked at home). Attach a
copy of your W-2 Form, a completed Log of Days Out Worksheet on page 3, and a completed Calculation for Days Worked Out of
RITA on page 3. In addition, your employer must sign the Employer Certification on page 2. If any of the days worked outside of
the municipality were in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, please check the box at the top right of this page.
4. Employer withheld at a rate higher than the employment municipality’s tax rate. Attach a copy of your W-2 Form and a
completed Calculation of Overpayment on page 2. Your employer must sign the Employer Certification on page 2.
Do Not Use for
5. Employer withheld too much (over-withheld) residence municipality tax. Attach a copy of your W-2 Form. Your employer
must sign the Employer Certification on page 2.
6. Withheld by mistake for the municipality of ________________________ when I actually worked in the municipality of
________________________. Attach a copy of your W-2 Form. Your employer must sign the Employer Certification on page 2.
Indicate the address where you actually worked in the box below.
Do Not Use for COVID-19.
Work Location Street Address
Over-the-road truck driver.
The wages of an interstate truck driver regularly assigned to drive in more than one state are only
taxable by the driver’s municipality of residence. Intrastate truck drivers may be eligible to receive up to a 90% refund from their
principal place of work. (A logging of your work locations, to support a refund of the tax withheld from your principal place of work
is required). Attach a copy of your W-2. In addition, your employer must sign the Employer Certification (pg. 2).
Military Spouse Residency Relief Act. Attach copies of W-2 Form, Form DD 2058, valid military spouse ID card and service
member’s most recent LES. Only the completion of the Claim Summary below is required.
Other (Indicate Reason). Attach W-2 Form and other applicable documentation, and a completed Calculation of Overpayment on
page 2 . Your employer must sign the Employer Certification on page 2. Do Not Use for COVID-19.
Refund of overpayment on account if you have already filed Form 37 or you are not required to file. Employer certification is not
Claim Summary – Submit one claim per form. Please complete a separate 10A if multiple employers/municipalities exist
RITA Municipality for which tax was withheld (from W-2, Box 20).
cannot refund tax withheld to a Non-RITA municipality
Amount of income not taxable. Enter -0- for reasons 4 and 5. For all other reasons enter the
amount of wages you are claiming are not taxable
Amount of over withholding claimed (Box A-9 on page 2 or Line 10 on page 3)
Amount of over withholding you want applied as a payment to your individual or joint
instead of being refunded to you. Enter -0- if you want all of your refund sent to you
Provide the social security number of the account to which you want the
amount on line 5 to be credited
SSN of account to be credited
Net amount to be refunded. Subtract line 5 from line 4.
Amounts $10 or less will not be refunded.
Regional Income Tax Agency
Application for Municipal Income Tax Refund
PO Box 95422
Cleveland, OH 44101-0033
Contact phone number: ___________________________________
Check here if you worked outside of your normal workplace
for any time in 2021 in response to COVID-19.
See Checkbox No. 2 below.
To avoid delays in your refund request, please review
the instruction page for guidelines and claim specifics.
Frequently asked questions regarding Refunds can be
found on RITAOhio.com under
FAQs/Individual FAQ/Refunds.